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Does your fursona represent you as is or an idealized you?


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Oh, a thread I can reply to.

I modeled my dragon character after the negative extremes of my personality that I've come to show when I'm at my worst - lazy, lethargic, judgmental, selfish, and vain... among other traits. So, I guess you could say he does represent me, but I try to use him in comedic scenarios rather than serious ones.

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Calemeyr is absolutely idealized, to the point where he isn't me. Along with his brother, he's basically a god. Think If Dr Manhattan or Q were a non-glowing dragon. Even as humans, he and his brother were superhuman. The idea was I deconstructed and then reconstructed the trope of "power creep" straight.

Haku/Jin the kitsune is closer to me, but still idealized since he's supernatural. He's your Yoko Kurama/Medicine Seller from Mononoke.


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If Frensel were to be a fursona I would have to say he is a idealized me. Being a general hunter who doesn't mind turning to fighting for things using various weapons if things turn sour Loves to hind and play to his instincts in combat (so jumping on targets, fitting in tight spaces, war dancing and squealing/hissing in fury at adversaries) but is rather a glass cannon as opposed to a one man army. I made him based a lot on the real animal to avoid making a mary sue rather than basing him on my own traits.


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No, I am a dog irl and use this as a way to pretend to be a people.

In all seriousness, personality wise my fursona is me, physically he's similar, I'm probably skinnier and slightly taller irl. So I'm going to say no, other than the fact being a dog person is an idealized version of me.

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Well, depends on the iteration of my 'sona.  There is 'Glowstick', who is basically myself as a sometimes anthromorphic fish.  Then there is the version who is still nameless, and is more or less her own character, be she a witch or deity in one of the worlds I've created.

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