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Learn to Drive


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My sister just found out a few hours ago that she's $8000 in the hole and climbing...which hurts all of us. Bad car crash a few months ago. Medical bills. Insurance company trying to fuck us over. It's as simple as that.

Just a PSA. If you don’t know how to drive properly, you've got two options. Go to a defensive driving seminar OR shred your undeserved license, sell your car, and take the bus for the rest of your life.

Low speed limits making you late? Learn how to plan ahead like a functioning adult and leave earlier. You have a “heavy foot”? No. You don’t. Learn some self goddamn discipline. Just like to speed for thrills? Get help. Road rage? Get more help. Don't understand the pretty pictures and bold text on traffic signs? Stay the fuck home then, dumbass.

The mistake of one slovenly, retarded driver can fuck over a family. Do the people around you a favor and don't be that idiot.

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California is filled with stupid drivers, its not even funny.

Boy don't I know it.

I don't even know how my bumper doesn't have any dents in it, it must be built sturdy. I've been rear-ended by people multiple times because they're looking at their phone or some shit.

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I can't stand bad drivers. My biggest irritation with them is people who don't use signals. Like why the fuck do you think that's a feature in your car? It's not optional, it's a fucking thing that's required by law. No one ever knows how to use their fucking turn signals and then they merge into my fucking lane with no turn signal and cut me off, and it's like this is why we have accidents. But not using the signal is such a minor thing and no one ever seems to get ticketed for that shit, and I really do wish people would get fined more often for it.

Oh also, people that don't let you merge. I use my signal, they can clearly see that I would like to just merge into the lane, so what do they do? They fucking speed up or start riding the bumper of the car in front of them where I was trying to merge.

Seriously, I fucking hate driving.

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The sad truth is that everyone sucks at driving. No-one is immune to being distracted by their thoughts or some external force, and while that doesn't excuse particularly irresponsible drivers it's meant to make the following point:

The road is a high-threat environment, always drive under the assumption that everyone around you is perfectly willing to run into you. A heaping helping of distrust and assuming the worst of people goes a long way.

What really blows my mind is pedestrians that don't look at me when they're crossing. It blows my mind to assume that I'm actually going to stop and not mow you down with my steel deathmobile.

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I wonder if roads will get safer once self-driving cars become a thing. At least then you won't get any crappy irresponsible drivers causing accidents by being on their phone or ignoring red lights/stop signs, or speeding because the car will know exactly what speed to drive at and what speed not to go over. Theoretically there'd be a reduction in the number of collisions too as a computer would always be on the lookout for hazardous objects like motorcycles or people, whereas a human driver could become distracted for whatever reason and then hit something.

Plus you could just sit back and relax whilst the car takes you to your destination. That'd be pretty cool, especially on big long car rides. c:

Edited by Sutekh_the_Steak
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The last time I saw it in the news the current driverless cars being tested had only been in accidents where human drivers were at fault. I'd say they probably will make things safer on average but the greatest impact (or greatest lack of impacts) will come once they are a majority of cars on the road and people being stupid is less of a factor in collisions. Which will probably take a while, because most people out there don't exactly keep up with new cars like they would smart phones.

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I don't really like being cars much due to motion sickness but I have never feared for my life as much as when I've been in my BF's friends car, one of those with only 2 doors to get in, need to fold the chair forward to get in the back.

She barely paid attention to what she was doing, looking at her phone constantly or directly looking at her friend who was in the passenger seat to talk to her, she'd merge at the last possible second, go well above the speed limit in areas she wasn't meant to, decide to change direction at the last second without really slowing down that it felt like the car was gonna flip, we got to a long road with next to no traffic and she decided it would be fun to start swerving from side to side.

At least she remembered to signal to other drivers.....a small consolation.

I was breaking my BF's hand cause I was just terrified and fearing for our lives, as soon as we arrived at the airport I could not wait to get out of that car, literally ducked and rolled out the door because its a pain in the ass to get out of those cars with long legs >__>.

Edited by Naesaki
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Where I used to live, for some reason.... It was very specific roundabouts that would have people turn into dribbling morons about their turn signals. So, Imma just come up to this roundabout, signal right- oh, there's a car there on the right, better wait for them. They ain't signalling which SUGGESTS they're going straight ahead but I know they're- yep, turning left. Dunno why it's these specific roundabouts where people think they don't have to signal.

Not saying they're perfect at using them on the other roundabouts though, just that some are shocking.

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The last time I saw it in the news the current driverless cars being tested had only been in accidents where human drivers were at fault. I'd say they probably will make things safer on average but the greatest impact (or greatest lack of impacts) will come once they are a majority of cars on the road and people being stupid is less of a factor in collisions. Which will probably take a while, because most people out there don't exactly keep up with new cars like they would smart phones.

Yeah, that's true. I just hope that when driverless cars do actually become a thing that the majority of people start buying them eventually, because from the sound of it they would really make roads safer for pedestrians and the people in the cars/buses/trucks/whatever.

(Unrelated, but would you really need anybody to sit in a driverless truck? You could just pack it up with all the stuff it needs to transport and then send it on it's way, and it'll drive itself to the destination where it'll be unpacked.)

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Driverless cars are a long way off from total automation. They are more in the PR and "razzle-dazzle the investors" phase. Going 35 in sunny Califonia is a lot different from 35 in snowy Boston. They can't tell the difference between a poorly parallel parked car and one that's waiting to pull out of its spot just yet.

 Even fully automated trucks will want people along for emergencies, break downs, and to deter theives or worse.

But, automated cars are coming eventually. I just hope they aren't as ugly and privacy-violating as Google's err... Alphabet's car.

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(Unrelated, but would you really need anybody to sit in a driverless truck? You could just pack it up with all the stuff it needs to transport and then send it on it's way, and it'll drive itself to the destination where it'll be unpacked.)

most likely yes.

instead of driving most "truck drivers" would become more like managers and help keep track of loads and other crap. they can also take over if a truck ever runs into an unexpected problem.  most likely it will become required to have someone in the vehicle for liability purposes.

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One of the first things I was taught when I took driver's ed was to be a defensive driver. Always assume that the other people driving around you are dumbasses and have no skills whatsoever. 4 way stop signs are a great example of when you should be ultra defensive and there's quite a few in this area. Everyone is meant to stop and take turns like civilized humans... hahahaha. Ha. Most people are pretty good about at least stopping, but even if you stop first by far and wait to make sure they stop, some will still try to go first if you don't move fast enough. I've been nearly hit multiple times, only reason I haven't been is because I wait until the other drivers coming all are clearly going to stop before I feel safe enough to go. Sometimes they zoom right on by, not even slowing down, and had I assumed they were going to stop like they were supposed to I would have been seriously injured, if not killed.

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I wonder if roads will get safer once self-driving cars become a thing. At least then you won't get any crappy irresponsible drivers causing accidents by being on their phone or ignoring red lights/stop signs, or speeding because the car will know exactly what speed to drive at and what speed not to go over. Theoretically there'd be a reduction in the number of collisions too as a computer would always be on the lookout for hazardous objects like motorcycles or people, whereas a human driver could become distracted for whatever reason and then hit something.

Plus you could just sit back and relax whilst the car takes you to your destination. That'd be pretty cool, especially on big long car rides. c:

A lot of the time when self driven cars get into accidents it's entirely because of another driver. 

I remember reading about one where the self driven car was turning right, and instead of going it yielded to a passenger. Which is what you should do according to the rules. And it promptly got rear ended by a driver behind it. 

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