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Whats wrong with them


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Some classmates or teenies i  the want to ship me with an other dark skinned girl 8n my class but wtf.

Only because i am black it meams i love her.

My sister is married with someone from vienna.

First off all their acting childish and annoying me with this.


And second, i dont want to be in a romantic relationship with 15 or anything  i want to stay single probably forever.

Also i dont want to have a romantic relationship with 15 because most teenagers arent really  serious about it and dont really love each other.


Can sombody understand how  i fell.




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Reminds me of that South...oh, someone beat me to it.


Yeah. Just won me some cool points.

Uh, OP, just ignore it. It's bullshit nonsense that won't matter in like a month. Or maybe even tomorrow. High school is dumb.

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I was a socially awkward freak who never talked in Spanish class and liked to draw, and the other kid was this awkward kid who talked too muchd said weird things and acted weird and and also liked to draw. People shipped us.

Hell no did that suck! Aaaaah!

so yes, I fell you OP. I fell you.

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I remember when we used to call this thing "playing Cupid."

It was creepy, nosy, and intrusive then, too.

Not to mention, pairing up two people because they're the same race is, well, vaguely racist. "They're the same species! They'll be able to produce viable offspring!"

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And yet you are on an English based forum. Go fig. :|

Also ftfy.

This english tho

They do well for someone who's not a native speaker

nah its not bullying but i nerves me, time to state my opinion to my clasmates and say to them that they are acting like childs.

Since some of them are 16 years old.

Do straight up tell them it's racist while you're at it. It's not just immature but really prejudiced (is not like you couldn't date anyone else who isn't your color; if you even wanted to to begin with)

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They do well for someone who's not a native speaker


Coffee is not a native English speaker either, and there's at least two regulars here who live in France, you couldnt tell them from the rest of us if you tried I bet.

I'm confused

me every time I read a nova post, lmao

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Coffee is not a native English speaker either, and there's at least two regulars here who live in France, you couldnt tell them from the rest of us if you tried I bet.

Add this italian to that too uvu

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You're Italian? Awesome. I'm kinda jelly, that's definitely one of the places on the top of my list to live. I love Italian people and culture, and don't even get me started on the food!

Yep, italian and dutch. The food is awesome in Italy but the rest is... Not so great actually. The organization of this country is crappy and enormous financial resources are squandered everyday through ineptitude and corruption of the high spheres. Not to mention, fiscal pressure is kinda bad, lotsa taxes. Italy is a great place to go to vacation but living here? Ehhh yes and no. You have nice wheather, beautiful cities and art on one side, crime (even in the very government), bad management and corruption on the other. You decide which side outweighs the other D:

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I'm Italian!

But I live in murrcuh. uwu


Say something italian that isn't ciao, arrivederci, pizza or spaghetti or mamma mia. Prove yourself to meeeee! :v

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Yeah but we Sicilians speak it better than you MAINLANDERS ;U

Bow down to us romans you SICILIAN SCUM! >:U Caput Mundi niggaaa

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