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What album did you last listen to?


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Time to revive a favorite thread of mine, where you tell us what album you last rocked out to. The ride never ends.


The Anthropocene Extinction is the latest album from death metal band Cattle Decapitation. Incomprehensible growling and wicked down tuned guitars grace this album.

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I just bought L’Élite by Trust at a second hand record shop (it's a vinyl) and I'm blasting it right now. I unfortunatey couldn't find a full album video of it on Youtube.

Trust is basically the first french punk-rock band to ever become mainstream, and it was very popular  amongst my mom's generation.

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The Night Demon album Curse of the Damned is bloody awesome. If you like vintage metal, you may want to check out this band from the LBC. It's like the debut Iron Maiden album and the Black Sabbath album Heaven and Hell had a threesome with Diamondhead and out popped a modern band with a vintage sound. Even the amps they use have that vintage sound for added effect.

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Currently listening to Volbeat's "Outlaw Gentlemen & Shady Ladies". Western themed rock! :3

I fucking love that album. "Hangman's Body Count" is such an awesome song.

As for me, I jumped into a time machine 10 years in the past for the Avenged Sevenfold classic, City of Evil. Such a great album, with all the guitars and epic rocking going on. "Strength of the World" is a favorite of mine.




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I listen to music in the car on my iPod, so not many albums get listed to in full, but occasionally I put a full album on. I craved some music from the Vice City soundtracks, and listened to Flash FM, Wave 103, and Emotion 98.3 over a few days travelling to and from work.

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Double post, don't care.

When i woke up this morning i had a song from this album in my head, put it on and was almost brought to tears. As soon as it was over i put the album on and ended up crying more than once as it played. This album encompasses grief and loss for me, both because of the lyrical content and because the singer and band leader, David Gold, was killed in a motoring accident shortly before it was released. It serves as his epitaph. As it was playing i couldn't stop thinking about what i'd do if i lost the people i love and to a lesser extent about those i wish were still alive. I'm still surprised that i think about Red, we were hardly close but i respected her for a long time. I'd planned on giving her my Skype details the next time we played TF2 together so we could talk more but that never happened, i think i'm always going to regret not getting to know her more when i had the chance. I also ended up thinking about someone that helped me become who i am without even realizing it. I got myself admitted to a psychiatric ward when i was 19 as a means to to overcome my at the time crippling social anxiety and when i was there i met a man called Rene Dupont. Rene was a schizophrenic heroin addict that was admitted after having a psychotic episode after injecting heroin laced with silicone iirc, when i first arrived he could hardly walk. I remember him shuffling around the ward constantly, trying to get his motor skills back. I didn't really speak to anyone when i was in there but he approached and talked to me quite a bit. We used to play chess in the early hours of the morning when they wouldn't let us outside and he ended up drawing a picture of me getting my eyes pecked out by birds. He was an artist but wasn't really successful with it despite his talent, may have had some renown up in Scotland idk. We became friends, or at the very least friendly, he told me about a hallucination he had that meant a lot to him, apparently one he kept private till that point, and i'll never be able to listen to Lou Reed's Perfect Day without being reminded of him. He used to sing it periodically, especially the line you're going to reap just what you sow, whenever he did i got the sense that he hated himself and what he'd made of his life. I'll never forget that. I was only in the psych ward for a week (it was basically a prison where you could convince the guards to let you leave) and he was released a few days after me, he tried to get in contact for about a week afterwards but i never followed it up. After Red died i decided to look him up online, see if i couldn't find his work, and found a memorial page on Facebook. He died a week after getting released, i'd assume it was an overdose but idk. As far as i'm aware the last thing he ever drew was that picture in the ward, that means something to me. Meeting him was the first step to getting over my anxiety and i'm glad i got to know him before the end.

So yeah...this album isn't perfect but it's certainly special to me. 

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Intronaut - Prehistoricisms. Some good sludge/prog metal with post-metal stuff happening a lot too. Bassist and drummer in this band are phenomenal. 

They're good. Some of their influences are quite obvious but they still managed to find a unique sound and style. Anxious to hear the new album coming out next month, not least because Devin Townsend did the mixing.

Symphony X is a progressive power metal band that is relatively new, and I really like their 2 disc epic Iconoclast. I am a sucker for epic rocking, and this album delivers. The titular track is really killer, and it is 10 minutes long for if you need a 10 minute song for any reason.

New? Their debut came out more than twenty years ago and they peaked at the turn of the millenium. I still like them too, but it feels like they've been on cruise control in terms of lyrics for a while now.

Last album I listened to was Event 2 by Deltron 3030. Del is awesome.

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Been listening to Michael Rosenberg(Passenger)'s Whispers II. He keeps finding new ways of tugging at the emotions. I also greatly admire that all his songs tell a story, and it's not always a happy one, but it's nevertheless told in tone that doesn't try to make you pity the subject. It just lets you figure it out on your own. He lets you interpret them as you wish, figure out a moral on your own, while still managing to tell a story he clearly wants to tell. Riding To New York and Hearts on Fire are examples from the first Whispers album, while David on the second one is another.


Seriously. Go check out those two albums.

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