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Never ever ever EVER chew on a tablet!!!


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Some background. I have IBS. And I have tablets prescribed to help with the bloating. They're called Colofac and they're anti-spasmodics. I take one around 20 minutes before eating and they help a bit.

So today I went into town to get my tattoo touched up and to do some Christmas shopping. Tattoo went fine, then I decided to get a KFC because I really wanted one. But I had to take the tablet before I ate! And I left my water in the car when I parked up. So it was either take it dry, or buy a drink at KFC (which I never do). Didn't want the cost or the calories, so I made the decision while waiting in line to chew it like a candy and swallow it.

This is the biggest regret of my life.  Literally. It tasted like super strong whiskey, packed into solid form with the density of a neutron star. I was choking and gagging in the line and barely got my words out. I ended up having to buy the soda anyway just to wash the tablet pieces down my throat. But a huge chunk got stuck in my throat! I almost threw up I the middle of the store, it took all my energy not to.

Now I'm eating it's Ben washed down but just don't fucking do it. It is never worth it.

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When I read the thread title I thought it was referring to a portable device tablet. xD

I've done this before... In high-school, just after everybody had head into class I decided that was a good time to take my antibiotics. Thought might as well chew on them. BIG mistake! I spat it everywhere. That was pretty embarrassing at the time.

Edited by Revates
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To this day, I can't swallow tablets without any water. (Actually perhaps I could if I tried but I never try)

This thread reminds me of when I was just a kid and my parents made me take travel sickness tablets before any long car journey. And holy shit, I'd be more likely to vomit from consuming them than otherwise. 'Cause I just could not swallow them without chewing.

Edited by DrDingo
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20 minutes ago, DrDingo said:

To this day, I can't swallow tablets without any water. (Actually perhaps I could if I tried but I never try)

This thread reminds me of when I was just a kid and my parents made me take travel sickness tablets before any long car journey. And holy shit, I'd be more likely to vomit from consuming them than otherwise. 'Cause I just could not swallow them without chewing.

Build up saliva in your mouth and take the pill. Super easy

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4 minutes ago, DevilishlyHandsome49 said:

I've accidentally chewed a pill capsule. The capsules that are plastic or something but contain the powdered medicine. As I was swallowing, my back teeth cracked it open and i got a good enough taste of it as it was going down my throat. Bleh!

You're no fun on a first date. 

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I dare you to chew on a fishoil tablet :3 (How do you even oil a fish?)

Anyway, yeah they are disgusting. I regularly got heartburn a few months ago and got some tablets against that. They were the usual white kind of pill, no shell or coating, just the compacted chemicals. And they fell apart like 5 seconds after coming into contact with water.

I tried to swallow one, but it got stuck at the back of my mouth and melted! It tasted horrible... Probably not as horrible as your pill since it was just sodium bicarbohydrate with some starch to bind it all together, but it was everywhere in my mouth...

Also, when I tried to take another one later it also melted but I also choked on it a little and it got into my nose. That fucked with my mucous membranes and in the morning when I blew my nose one big red slime ball came out XP

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I thought this was talking about like a drawing tablet or something.

I learned this lesson early on from taking dramamine, which is very quick to start dissolving if you don't swallow it quickly enough, and very bitter. Although I never attempted to chew it.

And, as has been said already, restaurants usually serve water. I've never ran into one that didn't.

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I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought this was about computer or drawing tablets. can't say I've ever chewed a solid tablet but I've accidentally broken gel capsules before and those are just as bad :/

1 hour ago, Clove Darkwave said:
  • Always read the labels and fact sheets for your medications.
  • Water is free or extremely cheap at any restaurant and won't give you kidney stones.
  • KFC is an extremely poor choice for someone with IBS.

KFC is an extremely poor choice for anyone with good taste :v

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1 hour ago, Sarcastic Coffeecup said:

I used to do that when I was a kid. I didn't find them that repulsive back then.

When I was about 5, my mum would make me eat fish oil caplets every day because my teachers at school said I wasn't concentrating all of the time.

Turns out, it was just because I was a normal five year-old child. Go figure.

I don't have bad memories of fish oil caplets. I just have no idea what they do. Something about joints and brain health

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21 hours ago, grassfed said:

You know Cannabis is amazing for IBS and Chron's. I know a couple people who have both and it helps far more than the prescription meds. Coconut oil capsules are what I'm talking about, not smoking it. Although you could if you wanted, but you'll get the most out of it through eating or even suppositories. Good luck :)

Your answer for everything is cannibis :v

"I have a sore throat"

"Try cannibis"

"I broke my arm"

" Cannibis will help"

"I have cancer"

"Take some cannibis"

"My wife left me"

"Ya gotta try cannibis"

"My life is a disaster and I hate myself"


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7 hours ago, grassfed said:

lol not quite. I know what it works for and what it doesn't and I'll recommend it when I see the chance, its my job.

Well then I guess its my job to follow you around and remind every one that your medical recommendations are based on ideology and ad hoc reasoning rather then actual evidence.  Also the idea of any single medicine being applicable to every person's individual situation is preposterous.  Even if cannabis was an effective medicine for treating any of the conditions you claim recommending it to people without understanding their personal medical history is reckless.  What you are advocating is at best dangerous self medication/diagnosis and at worst nothing but a load of bullshit.  There is no good outcome from that.

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