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Things that you love! v2


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16 minutes ago, LazerMaster5 said:

I won't spoil too much, but the movie does have plenty of over the top action. If movie gore makes you squeamish, look away, for this movie does not hold back on the splatter. The movie does have some humor in there as well, but it is primarily an action film.


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Going out to diner to a great italian place near my house

Spending time with my parents/SO

The prospect of going on holiday in a month

The sad fact that I'm turning 30 next week

Being generally insane and my wife accepting it

Seeing how.. Intelligence lacking our dwarfhamster is

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The mess that is HB 2. This is all so fun to see go down.

Everything is just so entertaining:

  • Ringo Starr and Bruce Springsteen disapprove,
  • We were at risk to lose loads of federal funding,
  • An adult site bans us,
  • Loads of businesses and organizations just refuse to deal with us right now, and
  • The state government is blaming the government of Charlotte for most of the above.

I wonder what else can happen to make this mess even more wonderful. Here's hoping we get a nice little statement from Donald Trump.

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12 hours ago, MalletFace said:

The mess that is HB 2. This is all so fun to see go down.

Everything is just so entertaining:

  • Ringo Starr and Bruce Springsteen disapprove,
  • We were at risk to lose loads of federal funding,
  • An adult site bans us,
  • Loads of businesses and organizations just refuse to deal with us right now, and
  • The state government is blaming the government of Charlotte for most of the above.

I wonder what else can happen to make this mess even more wonderful. Here's hoping we get a nice little statement from Donald Trump.

Anyone with a brain would disapprove of HB 2. Hell, John Kasich condemned it, and he is a straight-up conservative.

Anyway, back on track...

Minecraft is a cool game.

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10 hours ago, LazerMaster5 said:

Minecraft is a cool game.

I can say after hearing the pickaxe sound for three hours, it stops being cool and starts becoming headache-inducing terribleness.


Also, those moments you get where you're just happy, and things don't seem as dire or insurmountable as normal.

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I love how cheap and accessible parts are for my car. Today I visited a salvage yard and got me a drivers side inner door handle for $10. It was pulled from the '05 Vue they had, so it has a nice silver handle instead of the dull dark grey color of my car's original handle. I might go back to get the other handles to match my new one, as they definitely look good in my car. Salvage parts FTW.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Fox said:

This. This guy just destroys Tumblr.

As much as I love tumblrisms, and this is one of my favourites, I disagree with a couple of the points this guy makes. I mean, I personally don't see a problem if somebody is overweight. Not to the point where they're obese and need to lose weight for the sake of their health, but I mean if someone is fat, doesn't have a weight-related health problem, and are happy with how they are then I say let 'em. But raving about 'thin privilege' isn't okay.

Something I love though, is when you catch up with an old friend and have literally hours and hours worth of conversation topics, because you haven't seen them in so long.

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1 minute ago, Mikazuki Marazhu said:

I don't know that that means but I'll assume you like tumblr

So am I wrong to assume you're one of these radical SJW's or Feminazi? 

Nah, tumblrisms is the series by Mister Metokur where he just takes the piss out of ridiculous tumblr ideologies. I have a tumblr, but I never go on it anymore, and I sure as hell don't post stupid SJW rhetoric xD

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1 minute ago, Wax said:

Nah, tumblrisms is the series by Mister Metokur where he just takes the piss out of ridiculous tumblr ideologies. I have a tumblr, but I never go on it anymore, and I sure as hell don't post stupid SJW rhetoric xD

Looks like In have a reason to visit tumblr, just hope these people don't rub off on me

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Just now, Mikazuki Marazhu said:

Looks like In have a reason to visit tumblr, just hope these people don't rub off on me

There's a lot of really chill furs on tumblr. You'd probably have a good time, as long as you follow the right blogs.

Tumblr occasionally makes some very good points, such as people's input on the Black Lives Matter movement, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out what is a good social statement and what is a crock of shit. As long as you follow the right blogs, you'll enjoy tumblr.

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We went I to Sports Direct today on the off-chance that they had flat shoe laces, and I came out with a couple of free weights. I'm not gonna say what they weigh because it's embarrassing (they were the heaviest ones they were selling though and they are murder on my weak ass deltoids), but I love them so darn much. I'm following a proper exercise plan in top of my 150+ squats and stuff per day. Did 50 deadlifts, my first real ones, I feel quite happy with all this today.

When I get back to uni I can set my resistance bands up under the door and do rowing, it will be like having my own gym ^.^

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You know how "yawning is contagious"

It has to do with your psychological state assimilating a bond or interaction subconsciously with another individual

And wouldnt you know it? This trait isnt just exclusive to humans or a single species apparantly.

I once yawned on purpose while my dog was laying beside me (like she always does), and looking at her out of the corner of my eye sure enough I saw her yawn as well

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Man, i'm just sitting here listening to Tom Waits and i feel truly at peace. For the first time in, ohh, quite a while now. It's wonderful.

I have no idea what might come of it, but i can say with confidence that something i've done recently just feels right. And i'm just happy i did it.

Idk, random thought for the void. Have a good day people.

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2 hours ago, KyryK said:

Man, i'm just sitting here listening to Tom Waits and i feel truly at peace. For the first time in, ohh, quite a while now. It's wonderful.

I have no idea what might come of it, but i can say with confidence that something i've done recently just feels right. And i'm just happy i did it.

Idk, random thought for the void. Have a good day people.

At the risk of sounding super sappy, that's the effect music has on me. That's why I love it so much. It just bundles up all my anger, frustration and worries in a way that just kind of makes me let go.

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