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If other children's shows had an internet fanbase


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We all know that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is notorious for its fanbase (even though I'm a fan too). However, let's try to imagine what it would be like if other children's shows had such a fanbase.

Something like Veggie Tales, for instance. I can't imagine what kinds of crazy fanart from fans would be like, same for fanfictions. The members of its fanbase would be called "Veggies".

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Yeah this has always been a thing.

The bronies are just the newest, loudest, and arguably the most autistic. It was the perfect storm. The show, the internet allowing these adults to talk about the show with a mix of both acceptance and disgust from society at large, and the show itself paying fan service to these guys because they had money for pony paraphernalia.

I call it the trifuckta.

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1 hour ago, Frozen Glacier said:

Not going to lie, bronies can be the worst beings on the planet. Even I'm disgusted to be part of these autistic fags :

Seriously, who acts like this in public? It's like a cringe marathon!

That looks like a normal furcon video, though?

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1 hour ago, Frozen Glacier said:

Not going to lie, bronies can be the worst beings on the planet. Even I'm disgusted to be part of these autistic fags :

Seriously, who acts like this in public? It's like a cringe marathon!

Bronies make furries look good, even if marginally. 

Oh and MLP sucks. :^)

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1 hour ago, Frozen Glacier said:

Not going to lie, bronies can be the worst beings on the planet. Even I'm disgusted to be part of these autistic fags :


Seriously, who acts like this in public? It's like a cringe marathon!


Only appropriate response is:


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Back when I actively used tumblr, I followed this blog that was dedicated to showcasing extremely poor DeviantArt submissions. Anyway, they disbanded the blog after a while but encouraged its fans to follow the creator's blog. So I did, and it was literally filled with Transformers OCs, porn, ERP and whatever else you could think of.

Robot dicks are weird.

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Why doesn't Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat have a fanbase? That show was adorable.

Isn't that pretty much everything on Cartoon Network?

Steven Universe

Adventure Time 

Regular Show

Whatever the hell else

Regular Show had fans, but it never had a devoted fandom in the same way Adventure Time and Steven Universe got. Which is a shame, since its the best of the three.

...Please tell me how to stop seeing Steven Universe stuff online. 

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3 hours ago, Battlechili said:

Regular Show had fans, but it never had a devoted fandom in the same way Adventure Time and Steven Universe got. Which is a shame, since its the best of the three.

There is/was a fair following. 

I was pretty into it for a time, but after a while it started to get too weird and "shippy" and I realized I wasn't having fun anymore. 

I still cherish the first couple seasons though. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Transformers has a fanbase (that I used to be part of).

The whole lot of them are ridiculous man-children that treat transforming robot toys like gold. It's infantile shit like arguing about how one series of robotic aliens that transform into cars is better than another that makes them fucking insufferable. Then you've got the ones that spend THOUSANDS of dollars on a single robot toy because some neckbearded piece of shit says its worth that much. Fool.


The worst ones are the ones that bitch, piss, and complain whenever their favorite characters are changed. 

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On 2016-06-04 at 4:42 AM, PlusThirtyOne said:

i stumbled onto a rather disturbing Dora The Explorer fandom group once. The things i saw. You wouldn't believe the fanart.
-Or maybe you would...
Talking purple cartoon backpacks can fit a lot of things inside them.

........there are things that just should never be Googled.

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16 minutes ago, Astus said:

Why has no one mentioned the secret SpongeBob fan base who hides in secret waiting for the perfect time to strike? All knowing, all powerful, and oddly good looking as they rival the illuminati in power? 

Are you feeling it now, Astus?


(Member of the secret spongebob fanbase reporting for duty. All praise to the magic conch. ULULULULU!)

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