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Rant: My Obsessiveness, Again

Sidewalk Surfboard

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I mentioned it in the General Chat, but dammit, it's bothering me. I can't stop thinking about fucking Rolfe. I feel like such an idiot,a childish idiot, for not being able to stop thinking about this character. I've tried everything to not think about him but it just won't fucking work. I know I'm annoying people with it and I want to stop but I can't because my mind keeps telling me yes. Why must I be obsessed with this fucking character? I hate myself so much right now. Fuck, I'm annoying.


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Sidewalk, its fine. You're passionate about something you like. Nothing bad about that. If you come to accept that, maybe it will calm down after a while.

And look at me for fuck's sake :P look at my sig, my avatar, the Fallout 4 thread. Im obsessive as fuck for this game and its ALWAYS on my mind. Im planning to get all my schoolwork done in advance just so i can play it with interruptions. Hell! I wanna make sweet rolls and buy the Nuka Cola Quantom from Target. I nerd out over every trailer and bit of info released. Ive banned myself from comment sections so I wont get the game spoiled.

I even play Fallout Shelter all the time and downloaded that Fallout Chat app

Trust me, your obsessiveness could be a lot worse

Edited by DevilishlyHandsome49
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The big question is always whether your obsession with something is affecting your functioning in other areas, like school, work, your social life, your love life, your self-care, or other hobbies and interests.

If you're bothered by your obsession because other people have teased you for it, or because part of you feels it's "wrong" or "weird," that's a different kettle of fish.

My sense is that if you attempt to force yourself to not think of this character, the thoughts will come back even more strongly. So, that usually doesn't work.

What can work is a) expanding your interest to include other things, so that it becomes broader and more multi-faceted, b) trying to replace an obsessive thought with a different type of thought, c) trying to "reframe" your undesirable thoughts to become something more positive, d) talking to your doctor and/or therapist if you think your tendency to fixate and obsess feels intrusive and genuinely abnormal, and/or e) finding other people who share your interest, so you can get it out of your system without guilt or anxiety.

I'm someone who typically needs to get fixations out of my system by talking about them and getting to focus intently on them for a while. When I'm allowed to do that somewhere, I find that my level of fixation ultimately tapers off naturally. When I can't find an outlet for my obsession, I tend to circle around the barn, so to speak, until that outlet is found.


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If you're worried about annoying people with it, just keep it to relevant places and groups?

I mean, I talk about the lings a lot more than I do here,
but I keep that to Tumblr, some friends, and occasionally my art galleries,
where I actually have an audience with interest in that.


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Honestly, it's better to obsess over fictional character than real people.

...I just realized how ironic that is coming from me. :S

ANYWAY, my point is, at least you're not like that Björk fanatic who killed himself.

Yeah, that's true. I may be weird and obsessive, but I'm not THAT crazy. Though, some of you may think I am for obsessing over him :V

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Iirc youre still pretty young 

When were your age we tend to obsess over things, real or not. Sometimes these things can be infatuations with cartoon characters and other times it can be real people who are unobtainable (justin bieber,  1 direction)

Thing is, evem though you may not want to admit it, these infatuations disintegrate after a while. We lose interest

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Oh yeah, I agree with Kellie.

I always get chills down my back when I see someone absolutely obsessing over a real person, because at least you can't kill a fictional character, field of study, or theoretical construct for not loving you enough.

Your fixation is Jodie Foster-approved.

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Iirc youre still pretty young 

When were your age we tend to obsess over things, real or not. Sometimes these things can be infatuations with cartoon characters and other times it can be real people who are unobtainable (justin bieber,  1 direction)

Thing is, evem though you may not want to admit it, these infatuations disintegrate after a while. We lose interest

I'm kinda scared it won't, though. I've been obsessive since a very young age. It's scary. Here have another Rolfe for the hell of it


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I'm kinda scared it won't, though. I've been obsessive since a very young age. It's scary. Here have another Rolfe for the hell of it

Chances are you'll move onto another character(s) to obsess over in your adult life. TRUST ME, you will still be obsessed with at least one character. I'm 23. t won't stop. Help me.

What will happen though is the intensity of the obsessions will lessen. Instead of spending every waking moment thinking about them, you'll be doing your usual thing and sort of... waiting for the day virtual reality becomes sophisticated enough to actually fuck them (and saving up the money to do this).

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