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No... Not NatGeo


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Heard that Rupert Murdoch got his hands on National Geographic today.

This passage here is really what hits me.

Several people in the channel’s fact-checking department, for example, were terminated on Tuesday, employees said.

Will NatGeo be as bad as History channel or even Fox News? Only time will tell. Not going to be that it wouldn't though...

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:C They already changed animal planet for me, but they have to ruin Nat Geo?


I cant imagine what goes through the minds of the people getting rid of fact-checking

"You, what do you do?"

"I do research on the subject so that all information on-air is accurate and concise so the viewers-"

"But you just fact-check?"


"That's a lame-sounding title why do we pay people to do that we dont need people for that off you go, then.


...and now we can focus more on 'Finding bigfoot: Is he in cahoots with loch ness?"

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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Television is circling the drain and dragging down with it anything that had succumbed to its pressure and altered its business model to make television a vital component.

Now is the time for something better to rise up and take Nat Geo's place.


Edited by DrGravitas
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This is fucking outrageous. National Geographic is practically the Royal Society of America. I'm seriously hoping it doesn't affect their overseas operations, because the National Geographic magazine remains one of the best sources for archaeological and social science news. Bah. Fuck Murdoch with a sharp, chili-sauce covered implement.

... Well, old fuck would probably enjoy that anyway.


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Eheheheh. I just got the preliminary papers for contributing to the Nielsen ratings Television survey... While I won't flat out lie, I do plan to give all the comments I can think of about the state of modern television. I don't watch TV any more, soooo anybody got some complaints?

Plus, it came with 5 $1 bills! Sweet, lunch money!

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I knew this news story sounded familiar! I finally found where I first heard about the deal, when it was announced back in September.

The deal is a bit more nuanced that the Washington Post article would lead you to believe. While it still seems bad for the magazine and television channel, there are aspects of the National Geographic Society that will go unscathed. Moreover, it's an 18 year partnership with their media unit to expand, among other things, licensing. So, prepare for lots of crap with National Geographic branding slapped on it.

On the bright side, the rest of the separate society does benefit some:

The funds will allow the Society to double its investment in an array of science, research and education programs, and will lead to the creation of a center dedicated to improving the geographic skills of high school students, and centers for excellence in cartography, journalism and photography.

The Society will maintain its National Geographic Museum, forums and related programs.

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I knew this news story sounded familiar! I finally found where I first heard about the deal, when it was announced back in September.

The deal is a bit more nuanced that the Washington Post article would lead you to believe. While it still seems bad for the magazine and television channel, there are aspects of the National Geographic Society that will go unscathed. Moreover, it's an 18 year partnership with their media unit to expand, among other things, licensing. So, prepare for lots of crap with National Geographic branding slapped on it.

On the bright side, the rest of the separate society does benefit some:


That sound a bit better.

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Fuck natgeo...

I remember when it was nothing more than awesome documentaries that kept you glued to the screen.... Things you could actually learn from...

Now, fuck them. Who gives a fuck about tuna. Seriously.

There's your next stupid fucking reality show, NATGEO producers getting shoved into the middle of a busy-ass highway... Which one will survive? COMMERCIAL BREAKZZZZZ!!!!

Edited by Wrecker
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