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Tired of All the Fucking Negativity!

Sidewalk Surfboard

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Seriously, what the fuck is with you people recently? For the past week you've all been arguing nonstop and flinging shit with the slightest word, it's fucking STUPID. I thought you were better than this. I really fucking did. I love you guys, but seriously, this is getting fucking ridiculous. I come here to talk to you all and ENJOY myself, not to get mad because everyone's acting like dicks to each other. You guys need to knock it off. We won the fight for FAF, we won our own forum, and I will not fucking tolerate watching you guys rip each other apart and ruin what we fought for this quickly. I seriously love you people. Please, don't bring each other down anymore.

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Should you really expect any better from a culture of angsty sexcrazed teenagers and adults with the social skills of wet toilet paper?

Besides, this is one of the reasons why most here wanted their own forum after the fall of FAF, because they knew that their shit wouldn't fly elsewhere.


Edited by Mr. Fox
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If you're referring to the recently locked threads, they all had one common reason

I don't want to name any one user but those were the first two thread incidents

1) First thread went from civil disagreement, to personal attack, to insult

2) Second thread carried on argument from the first.

3)The third was the Paris one, which was a tense situation and therefore would naturally lead to some divisive opinions. I'm glad it's open again though, didn't need to be locked over discussion, just needed some moderator action

4) The most recent lock was on the same subject, but focused on death...and y'know, also a divisive subject.


No one is being negative here, it just happens. As far a forum drama goes this really isn't all that bad...


Edit: In fact, this actually makes the forum a bit more interesting and less dull. The forum could be more civil, sure, but I rather like that discussion is taking place and things are happening again. It makes for a more interesting atmosphere and less of a hugbox.

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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<spoiler>This community has never been a good community, let alone something to take seriously</spoiler>


If not a fet def a food group.

You're falling below standards your country sets for smarties. Ever considered moving to Oakland, California, USA?

Edited by Toshabi
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<spoiler>This community has never been a good community, let alone something to take seriously</spoiler>


You're falling below standards your country sets for smarties. Ever considered moving to Oakland, California, USA?

Oakland is just full of hipsters who paint everything and gentrify shit hella hardcore

jk its still niggatown

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 Feeling negative tends to inflame a like reaction to perceptions of reality that are in direct conflict with yours, especially if their concept implies yours is invalid. 

 Everyone's seen different angles on the same event; nobody sees it exactly the same. But people will fight over what's the greater truth.

 It's like... chill man, smoke a bowl. Visually: our eyes take in our surroundings, turns it into flat images, and sticks 'em together to make a picture with depth. Is the left eye wrong? is the right? are they both flawed in the fact they compress everything they see into 2D planes? Or are their different perspectives clue to a more multidimensional reality where both could potentially be right according to the functions and variables in which they receive their information?


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The idea that we're all supposed to get along because we fought to keep a community going is as silly as the idea that many newbies had on FAF, that we should agree with them and support them no matter what, because they're furries.

People get into arguments. People are negative. People are snippy. People are bitchy. People will not always agree with you.
That's just a thing.
That's just life. That's just the nature of personal differences and social interaction, in almost any sizable group, ever.

I would prefer that the forum remain open to that (unless it becomes severe, and starts resorting to like harassment and shit in individual instances, in which case it does need intervention), instead of sterilizing itself and forcing us all to get along. Like a parent that doesn't know when to step back and let their kids sort out their own conflicts.

If it bothers you, sometimes it's just better to step back, and do something you enjoy.
Go to a different site. Draw something. Play a game. Make yourself feel better. Push it out of your mind, until you're calm enough not to let it work you up into an emotional storm.
But expecting everyone to just get along all the time would both be unreasonable, and going against one of the things we actually wanted to pull away from, which is the hugbox mentality.

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FAF was all about slap fights and hissy fits, It ain't gonna be any different on here. Most people I think know better than to take it personally. As rude and obnoxious as I think some of the regulars around here are, I appreciate the fact that (unlike every other furry community ever) this forum isn't just a ginormous hugbox and you can actually get called out for being wrong or just plain being a douche canoe.

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FAF was all about slap fights and hissy fits, It ain't gonna be any different on here. Most people I think know better than to take it personally. As rude and obnoxious as I think some of the regulars around here are, I appreciate the fact that (unlike every other furry community ever) this forum isn't just a ginormous hugbox and you can actually get called out for being wrong or just plain being a douche canoe.

Pretty much how I feel. As bad as it gets here, it's exceedingly better than whatever the fuck SoFurry, Inkbunny, and whatever FA has cooked up to replace their lost forum in 2048. 

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I've honestly got no idea what's been happening here over the past week. I've been doing stuff and not had as much time to go on here recently so :P

Congratulations, you have a life. Now get back to the shitposting and p0rn and stop pretending you're better than us. :v

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There's an almost daily Rants and Raves thread made by some sad brains that's dripping with self-loathing and disproportional anger and negativity is now an issue because people are disagreeing about real problems that can't be dismissed with platitudes.

As he creates, so he destroys.

Remember kids, whenever you see a thread on here that rustles your jimmies:



I think you forget where we are.

Suggesting to furries that they make a point to avoid content they find unsavory is unrealistic as they are instinctual creatures of passion and lust, incapable of higher reasoning.

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Suggesting to furries that they make a point to avoid content they find unsavory is unrealistic as they are instinctual creatures of passion and lust, incapable of higher reasoning.

If they had to use common sense over one action, they would have to use common sense for all of their actions. Noooobody wants that, right?~

Edited by Sar
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pls no wolf

but yes i like that picture too

I am an anthropomorphic shitpost.

If they had to use common sense over one action, they would have to use common sense for all of their actions. Noooobody wants that, right?~

Maybe spending my rent money on commissions is a... bad idea??!?!?

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