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Rant: Can dish it out but can't take it.

Red Lion

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Everytime I run into someone, or see a post on a forum of someone spouting abusive, malicious tumblr rhetoric about men, white people or cisgender people they always seem really surprised that their bile and venom gets negative reactions. I have to wonder what the fuck do they expect? They go on long angry rants, calling people scum, claiming anyone with a penis is a rapist and transwomen have male privilege, of course people are going to be offended and angry. Then when they don't have an argument they say something like "This is our way of venting! Just let us vent!". Wtf, here you are trying to dictate what people can and can't say/do, painting entire groups with a single brush, calling speech you don't like oppressive, and being a nasty little bag of shit about the whole thing but the minute someone doesn't like your attitude you turn into some kind of victim who just needs an outlet? Bull fucking shit. If you're going to verbally attack entire groups of people then be ready for the backlash.

It's really very simple, go through life saying whatever you want and expect that the people around you will do the same. Yes, you're gonna hear things you don't like, people will disagree with you, and if you act like a rancid little cuntopotamus then people will treat you like the crusty white dog turd no one wants to find when they go to clean under the rug. >8[

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heard the same thing about blacks being racist against whites and transgenders being sexist or whatever it's called these days against everybody else: "YOU weren't systematically oppressed!!  it's OUR turn to lash out!!  we DESERVE an outlet!  it's not racism/sexism/whatever-a-phobia if it's against the OPPRESSIVE MAJORITY because it's not SYSTEMATIC like yours!"  and best of all, "YOU CAN'T COMPARE THE TWO BECAUSE YOUR KIND NEVER GOT BEATEN OR KILLED FOR BEING WHITE/MALE/CISGENDER"

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

heard the same thing about blacks being racist against whites and transgenders being sexist or whatever it's called these days against everybody else: "YOU weren't systematically oppressed!!  it's OUR turn to lash out!!  we DESERVE an outlet!  it's not racism/sexism/whatever-a-phobia if it's against the OPPRESSIVE MAJORITY because it's not SYSTEMATIC like yours!"  and best of all, "YOU CAN'T COMPARE THE TWO BECAUSE YOUR KIND NEVER GOT BEATEN OR KILLED FOR BEING WHITE/MALE/CISGENDER"

That whole mentality of "I deserve to lash out and be petty because I'm in the minority" really bothers me. 

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Us shitlords should start a colony on Antarctica.

Edit: Oh, feel like I should add this; I love it when SJW's say "women and minorities". So, you mean the majority of the the population and the minority? That's a little contradictory.

I've always wanted to mention that.

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12 minutes ago, Gator said:

heard the same thing about blacks being racist against whites and transgenders being sexist or whatever it's called these days against everybody else: "YOU weren't systematically oppressed!!  it's OUR turn to lash out!!  we DESERVE an outlet!  it's not racism/sexism/whatever-a-phobia if it's against the OPPRESSIVE MAJORITY because it's not SYSTEMATIC like yours!"  and best of all, "YOU CAN'T COMPARE THE TWO BECAUSE YOUR KIND NEVER GOT BEATEN OR KILLED FOR BEING WHITE/MALE/CISGENDER"

This pisses me off the most.

If you want to be a racist, just be a fucking racist. I already know you're a piece of shit human being, you don't need to try and trick me into thinking otherwise.

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3 minutes ago, Gator said:

b-but i hate the cold :^(

C'mon! We'll domesticate penguins! Think about it, we could use wind and nuclear power for electricity so that every building can have heating, if you hate the cold so much. We can inflate inflate the population through cloning, we could finally invent the artificial womb, and we'd be a force to reckon with in fifty years once our population picks up.

I get to be the Patriarch, though. The great and mighty Patriarch who rules all of Antarctica with an iron cock and balls.

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This is another trend I'm noticing. The more people get told they're awful oppressive scumbags who should just die the less and less they actually feel inclined to listen and care about the plight of the "oppressed".

But well who can blame them? If someone is just going to call you a POS scumbag for being white/straight/male or whatever then why SHOULD you feel compelled to take interest in their crusade?

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1 minute ago, Hux said:

C'mon! We'll domesticate penguins! Think about it, we could use wind and nuclear power for electricity so that every building can have heating, if you hate the cold so much. We can inflate inflate the population through cloning, we could finally invent the artificial womb, and we'd be a force to reckon with in fifty years once our population picks up.

I get to be the Patriarch, though. The great and mighty Patriarch who rules all of Antarctica with an iron cock and balls.

that's the symbol on our flag tbh

but... isn't that where the thing lives

and where the blob was dumped

there are bad things out there.  worse things even than a cisheteronormative patriarchal society.

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7 minutes ago, Gator said:

that's the symbol on our flag tbh

but... isn't that where the thing lives

and where the blob was dumped

there are bad things out there.  worse things even than a cisheteronormative patriarchal society.

Don't worry I, as your your leader, will personally crush whatever or whoever threatens our nation under the titanic girth of my penis.

And when I'm done I'll March butt-ass naked across the the white house lawn and kick Hilldog square in the cunt! You have my word.

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2 minutes ago, Hux said:

Don't worry I, as your your leader, will personally crush whatever or whoever threatens our nation under the titanic girth of my penis.

And when I'm done I'll March butt-ass naked across the the white house lawn and kick Hilldog square in the cunt! You have my word.

godspeed, brave leader.

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3 hours ago, GarthTheWereWolf said:

Dammit tumblr! Learn to behave


Female programmers? Those are practically extinct!

2 hours ago, PastryOfApathy said:

This pisses me off the most.

If you want to be a racist, just be a fucking racist. I already know you're a piece of shit human being, you don't need to try and trick me into thinking otherwise.

No no you have it all wrong. Those people CAN'T be racist, because they belong to an oppressed group.  So it's impossible for these people to be racist regardless of how the dictionary defines the term.

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Yeah, black people can be the most racist and intolerant of others. Hell, black people can be the most homophobic and intolerant people sometimes. Even oppressive towards their own.

Maybe I am bitter of my own race, but I am sometimes tired of hearing the same ol' rhetoric from a bunch of ignorant assholes who refuse to work, call an educated and hard working black person an uncle tom or "acting white", etc.

So whatever...Gonna get a shot of whiskey.


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1 hour ago, root said:

Female programmers? Those are practically extinct!

No no you have it all wrong. Those people CAN'T be racist, because they belong to an oppressed group.  So it's impossible for these people to be racist regardless of how the dictionary defines the term.

Even if we were for a moment to buy that racism is more than just "I hate this race of people" and there is a power thing involved does this mean that ONLY white americans can be racist?  If a black guy throws a racial slur at a hispanic guy is that a matter of racism? Articles like that kind of seem to operate under the assumption that the world is set up to be Minority vs Whitey, they almost never address racism between different minority groups. 

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In society, there will always be a power and privielge versus race in some places. Some people will place a biased stock on those that look similar to themselves than the other that looks vastly different from them either by dress, or skincolor.

The reason why privielge comes up in so many arguments is because of an inherent bias programmed in every human being . Some people will judge a book based on its cover on either a stereotype or statistics.

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3 hours ago, PastryOfApathy said:

This just came to my attention and I think it's relevant. I'm not gonna lie, when the bombshell hit I literally laughed out loud.

You'll know what I mean, believe me.

As a cis scum I have to say it's pretty crazy when the "oppressed classes" in the the victim hierarchy start oppressing each other.

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20 hours ago, Zeke said:

Maybe I am bitter of my own race, but I am sometimes tired of hearing the same ol' rhetoric from a bunch of ignorant assholes who refuse to work, call an educated and hard working black person an uncle tom or "acting white", etc.

I used to say stuff like this, but then I started to take a hard look around me and I began to come to the conclusion that, aside from the angry ramblings of a petite yet notable collection of screwballs whom dwell within the most destitute and deprived urban locales within the United States, the overwhelming majority of black people--even relatively unassimilated ones--don't abhor education and hard work. Perhaps there's jealously on a simmering level for the accomplishments of more well-off blacks, but it isn't out-and-out anti-intellectualism or some peculiar fondness for lethargy or shiftlessness.

I suspect that this "acting white" phenomenon sprang into existence shortly after racial integration was formalized by the US government, with it's strongest foundations being laid out during the halcyon phase of the Civil Rights Movement.




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blacks are not allowed to avoid saying hateful shit against non-pocs, theyre not allowed to work hard, not allowed to get married (especially not to whites) and they cant criticise the actions of their own race because these things would be anti-black





edit: oh yeah and you cant speak correctly. that is anti-black

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5 hours ago, PastryOfApathy said:

This just came to my attention and I think it's relevant. I'm not gonna lie, when the bombshell hit I literally laughed out loud.

You'll know what I mean, believe me.


..... wtf

Did this girl seriously show up at a vigil, take the tragic deaths of 50 people, and then make it about her racial issues? 

That whole first part of the video was just her spouting passive aggressive bullshit. "I wish this many people would turn up at our racial demonstrations" and "who are you really here for?" what the ever loving fuck. In what universe is this ok? What kind of person see a bunch of hurt, grieving people and decides this is a good place to push their own agenda?

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5 hours ago, PastryOfApathy said:

This just came to my attention and I think it's relevant. I'm not gonna lie, when the bombshell hit I literally laughed out loud.

You'll know what I mean, believe me.

Couldn't make it 40 seconds in without wanting to snap my own neck. 

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Even though my family wasn't even in this country 160 years ago, but because I'm white, I take full responsibility for enslaving a race of people whom I obtained from their own people. I'm so disgusted with myself for being Caucasian and working hard for my undeserved money.

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42 minutes ago, Frig said:

Even though my family wasn't even in this country 160 years ago, but because I'm white, I take full responsibility for enslaving a race of people whom I obtained from their own people. I'm so disgusted with myself for being Caucasian and working hard for my undeserved money.


Po-lice be keeping tha black man down.


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3 hours ago, Red Lion said:

..... wtf

Did this girl seriously show up at a vigil, take the tragic deaths of 50 people, and then make it about her racial issues? 

That whole first part of the video was just her spouting passive aggressive bullshit. "I wish this many people would turn up at our racial demonstrations" and "who are you really here for?" what the ever loving fuck. In what universe is this ok? What kind of person see a bunch of hurt, grieving people and decides this is a good place to push their own agenda?

Yep. This is the oppression Olympics in all of it's disgusting, exploitative glory.

God help us...

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On 6/14/2016 at 7:24 PM, Gator said:


This one is especially hilarious considering how the Irish were treated in the 19th century.

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25 minutes ago, Victor-933 said:

This one is especially hilarious considering how the Irish were treated in the 19th century.

The only bad thing to ever happen to Irish people in the history of humanity is American's appropriating Irish Culture during St. Patrick's Day.

This is 100% fact.

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35 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:

The only bad thing to ever happen to Irish people in the history of humanity is American's appropriating Irish Culture during St. Patrick's Day.

This is 100% fact.

But I thought white people didn't have any culture?

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5 hours ago, Victor-933 said:

This one is especially hilarious considering how the Irish were treated in the 19th century.

i have frequently seen it argued that that doesn't count because irish isn't a race and therefore it had nothing to do with them being white, thus not comparable to racism.  and failing that argument, it will always just come down to "blacks had it worse, then end".

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2 minutes ago, Gator said:

i have frequently seen it argued that that doesn't count because irish isn't a race and therefore it had nothing to do with them being white, thus not comparable to racism.  and failing that argument, it will always just come down to "blacks had it worse, then end".

Depends how you define race. Not that it matters, I don't need validation from tumblr sjw types. 

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That video is disgusting. Using an Orlando vigil. Vigil - where people go to pay respects for a tragedy to push your own divisive agenda about race? It's pretty much the same was the backlash Donald Trump got for his tweets in response to the Orlando shootings - you're making it about yourself when it's not about you.

The irony that these radical left-wingers will always make fun of others and say 'wow why are you getting annoyed that this isn't about you?' when they get called out here is delicious. It's a tragedy involving LGBT+ people and this girl is like 'hey I'm racially oppressed too! Agree with everything I say and if you don't turn up to our demonstrations, you're really here for your own selfish reasons!'

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