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Angry and dissapointed


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Some off you know i was in the art exchange section with the free art but i am very dissapointed.


I mean i or we dont need to pay for the art but many didnt told me they didnt draw anything or they gave up at the free comissions on faf.


I need to get an notice but no like no message and i still wait , if anything i ordered is finished. Its just kinda rude getting no message.


Thanks to the people who drew for me. 

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Second what Lemon said.

Free art is art that artists will do on their free time after commissions to help them brush up or to do something fun and you get a free thing out of it. Understand that Free art is NOT the same as a commission. A commission entails that you have paid for it. Free art is free art. I can understand if you paid for it and the person did not send you a message after months of waiting since the two of you entered into a monetary contract. However, this is not the case here. 

You will have to be patient. If the person gets to it, they will. 

Edited by Ozriel
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You will have to be patient. If the person gets to it, they will. 

And! If they ever don't? Tough shit! An artist doing free work is exactly like getting free groceries or tires or clothes. Its out of the kindness of someone's heart and not an obligation. 

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When people draw me free art I like, scream and cry because I consider it such a gift that I don't deserve.

Free art isn't a right, there's no entitlement, it's simple someone gifting you with something they created by hand. Whether it's for their own reasons or yours, that's not something to just take advantage of.

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Admittedly, I'm guilty of not getting to everybody who asks me for free art when I'm open for requests and not messaging the folks that I didn't get to.  I don't really think it's something to get mad about though.  If anything, it should be a nice surprise when somebody actually does get around to giving you art.  I can understand wanting to have constant communication through a paid commission, but getting upset and bugging an artist about free art is just rude.

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I've been 'asked" to do free art for people. Mostly, from people who are assholes to begin with, so I know how artists feel about being badgered for doing a full-colored thing for no payment whatsoever. The absolute worst thing a person can do is feel that they are entitled to free art and bitch and complain about an artist not doing something for free. 



And! If they ever don't? Tough shit! An artist doing free work is exactly like getting free groceries or tires or clothes. Its out of the kindness of someone's heart and not an obligation. 

Not sure if this is towards me or the OP. :/

An Addendum: I feel we should bring back doing shitty art for people who are being entitled shits in the request section, but I am biased.

Edited by Ozriel
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Yeah, you don't deserve free art. If there's no contractual obligation or money involved, then you aren't really owed anything. If it's a requests thread, they're still not obligated to produce something, because it's on their own time and chances are that thread is for them to draw requests as they please. They're not obligated to message you and give you a "status update" or something, it's not a paid commission.

Artists are not obligated to report to you and give you free things.

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What makes us angry and disappointed is how entitled you feel about a lot of things. About how people have to draw for you and how people should use your "Original" species. Geez.

If anything you're at LEAST entitled to using coherent sentences.


Edited by Vaer
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Here's some free art, OP.



I'm upset that I didn't get free art from you as well.


OP, were you upset that the person didn't let you know they opened up for requests?  They may have received a ton of requests to do the same and did what I do: I forget them.  When I do requests it is meant to be fun, I'm not going to go and make a list of people who want free stuff from a previous session.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but I get the feeling the original poster was more unhappy about not being informed that they weren't getting the free art, rather than about not getting the art itself. Specifically the line " many didnt told me they didnt draw anything or they gave up at the free comissions on faf." Indicates this to me as it this entirely regarding communication.

Although I do believe it would be more professional, even when it's free, to send a message when you're not going to be able to do something you said you would, I do agree that it is just free and not as big a deal.

Edited by DrGravitas
Finished changing my sentence
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Maybe I'm wrong, but I get the feeling the original poster was more unhappy about not being informed that they weren't getting the free art, rather than about not getting the art itself. Specifically the line " many didnt told me they didnt draw anything or they gave up at the free comissions on faf." Indicates this to me as it this entirely regarding communication.

Although I do believe it would be more professional, even when it's free, to send a message when you're not going to be able to do something you said you would, I do agree that it is just free and not as big a deal.

yes thats what i  mean dude, THAnks.


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thanks dude.

But guys, you clearly need to read a whole text, i clearly wrote about getting a message if the art maker gave up or doesnt have time, i didnt really wrote about " that its my art and i want it now or my species".

I understood the whole context, but the only thing I have to say is that requests are usually done on a person's free time between commissions, or as exercises to help keep their drawing wheels turning. As requests go, it's a patience game and not a strict requirement that an artist hops on the ball asap unless there was money involved.

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But guys, you clearly need to read a whole text, i clearly wrote about getting a message if the art maker gave up or doesnt have time, i didnt really wrote about " that its my art and i want it now or my species".

No offence, but the OP was kinda hard to read.

But I guess it's something I will keep in mind, I will at least try to have better communication with people when I'm doing requests as well as commissions.  But I do still think it is a little unrealistic to expect good customer service when you're not even paying for said service.

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thanks dude.

But guys, you clearly need to read a whole text, i clearly wrote about getting a message if the art maker gave up or doesnt have time, i didnt really wrote about " that its my art and i want it now or my species".

Well your ineloquent way of typing doesn't help us to really grasp what you attempt to get across in words. It really wasn't that clear.

Nonetheless, it may be more proper of the artists to inform someone they are dropping a request but you also shouldn't be so butt hurt about it either.

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It's ok to send note to people that promised you art, checking in once a while keep them from forgetting.

But beware that it doesn't become too pushy. When I make free art I tend to message back and forth with the person, however sometimes you just wish you didn't. I have this going right now, I've made several adjustments for this person to his piece and am hoping to get the last one done soon *sigh, hopes he likes it this time* the hing is that he's really friendly and was my first commissioner so I want to keep him happy so he might commission me again in the future. But being noted every week about how it's going and stuff and if I can change this or that gets so damn annoying.

So please, understand that this is meant as a fill of free time and like Ozriel said, payed commissions and real life work come first. So just be patient and wait for a reply, don't go spamming their inbox because the chances of you actually getting your art afterwards go down quite a bit if you keep poking them.

Edited by Hell_Charm
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It's ok to send note to people that promised you art, checking in once a while keep them from forgetting.

But beware that it doesn't become too pushy. When I make free art I tend to message back and forth with the person, however sometimes you just wish you didn't. I have this going right now, I've made several adjustments for this person to his piece and am hoping to get the last one done soon *sigh, hopes he likes it this time* the hing is that he's really friendly and was my first commissioner so I want to keep him happy so he might commission me again in the future. But being noted every week about how it's going and stuff and if I can change this or that gets so damn annoying.

So please, understand that this is meant as a fill of free time and like Ozriel said, payed commissions and real life work come first. So just be patient and wait for a reply, don't go spamming their inbox because the chances of you actually getting your art afterwards go down quite a bit if you keep poking them.

nah i didnt send any of them a messsge, i actually waited and looked into the threads or profiles but there was nothing and i waited longer patient like a spider for a fly


Seems like they forgot me since faf forum doesnt exist anymore.

Now because of that, i started drawing more and more.

Chain reaction


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your new avatar looks good Nova, I assume you did it yourself and therefore your art is improving.

Losing contact sucks, so I guess thats irritating in a minor way, but for me if that happens I just let it go, no need to dwell on it. Find someone else and see if theyre willing.

Also at everyone else, I dont think OP is a native English speaker so I wouldnt give them crap for their grammar, they do better than I would in another language.

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nah i didnt send any of them a messsge, i actually waited and looked into the threads or profiles but there was nothing and i waited longer patient like a spider for a fly


Seems like they forgot me since faf forum doesnt exist anymore.

Now because of that, i started drawing more and more.

Chain reaction


I also have free art that was promised to me on the old forums, but I guess with the forums going down they forgot, if they wanted to they could have contacted me.

They haven't, but that's fine with me.

Practicing drawing on yourself is a good thing, practice makes perfect :) but if you're really looking to quickly learn new thing to improve your drawing skills, you can always look up some tutorials, they really help out during your practice and will result in valuable lessons to get you art to the next level.

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This is why I just stick to the market these days. I've gotten free art from time to time but it's usually a as a gift which is super wonderful. 

I think most ppl should just stick to that unless your friend is offering. Because if a friend offers, you usually wouldn't be rude to them. 

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Thing about art, even free art, is that it takes time and effort on the part of the artist. If they don't get back to you that doesn't mean they're trying to be rude or something, they probably just got caught up in other things. I don't really do free art much anymore because it is time consuming. 

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