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  1. Hi there! I'm open for commissions! Here are some examples of my work: You can view more of my artwork at https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/sushy/ My general price list is here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23107601/ For different options you can always contact me. Please send me a message or email me at sushychan(at)Gmail.com if you want to work with me.
  2. Hey all! I know I've not been here in a while but I figured I'd try my hand at forums again. (Again.) Unsure what kind of things people are looking for but I am open for commissions! Prices can be found here and examples can be found in my gallery. I do sfw and nsfw commissions, and am generally pretty open to most things as long as they aren't under my 'no' section. Also, for anyone into the adoptable scene, I have a snake monster adopt open right now - Current bid is $50. Anyway, if you're interested in anything, feel free to hit me up on my commission or personal account or any other places you might be able to find me.
  3. Why of course you already knew that a group of rats is called a mischief, silly. Let's make some mischief by making your character into a rat! Prices start at $25 for a flat with a simple background, and increase with detail! Please note that complex characters will be subject to a complexity fee depending upon what price they wish to choose. Included in this post are my rattie art, as well as examples of more details pieces! I can be reached here or on fa or weasyl as menageriecat!
  4. My Furaffinity http://www.furaffinity.net/user/puppenstein/ Currently open for commissions! Note: I do no do gore or nsfw --TERMS OF SERVICE-- -I will start working on your commission as soon as i receive payement. -I will show you sketches ASAP and WIPs if you ask! -The commission is sure to be done within the 3 weeks. -I may use the finished piece in portfolios. -You can re-upload the finished piece to your sites as long as you credit properly. -Refunds are only acceptable when I've only done a sketch -SKETCHES - --For black and white sketches, deduct 2$ to the original price-- -[HEADSHOTS - 5$]- -[WAIST UP 9.50$]- -[FULLBODY 13.50$]- --FULLY RENDERED (Shaded, textured etc.)-- -For lineart, deduct 6$ to original price-- --For flat colored pieces, deduct 4$-- -[HEADSHOTS/BUSTS 14$-20$]- -[CHIBIS 10$]- -FULL BODIES 25$- -REFERENCE SHEETS STARTING AT 25$- Just send me a note if anyone's interested!
  5. Hello, I'm making a trading card game (Two-Sided Mirror) and my budget is $80 per piece (might go up to $100 on very rare cases). The game will eventually be a commercial game but right now, it's just in the stages of playtesting and advertising the best I can until the release in 2017. I'm only looking for artists that are okay with their art being use for a commercial game and some of their art may be used for things like playmats, card sleeves, advertisement, and other things specific to the game or company (Lomber Games, LLC). I also need an artist that can work without being micromanaged but is also available to communicate and will contact me if any issues or delays arrive. You (the artist) will retain ownership of all art made and can do what you wish with the art. All cards you make the art for will have your name or alias and a link to one of your online galleries or link to your profile. Or you can choose to opt-out and be "Anonymous". You will also receive a digital copy of the card that you make the art for. You can do what you wish with your digital copy. I also offer physical "Artist Copy" of the card you work on, but that can be discussed at a later time. All submitted art needs to be 2316 x 1844 px, 300 DPI, and no watermarks/signatures on the art you submit to me. You can do what you like with the art you keep. There are various setting and scenery so don't let that stop you. I also need various subjects and objects from anthro and humans to feral creatures and monsters. You can check out the game at Lombergames.com
  6. Hi all, I'm looking for someone to do a reference sheet for my 'sona. The budget is $70 (possibly a tad flexible), and I'd like it to be done by October 1 at the latest. Feel free to post sample work below, and I will contact you in the PM system if I'm interested. Thanks!
  7. Hello! I am accepting writing commission, if you're interested. UPDATE (2019): Please visit our official website for our most updated info: http://sites.google.com/view/writing-commission Fanfic / Story Commissions: Genre: I am fine with all sorts of genres, including blood/gore, erotica, non-con, sibling/cousin incest, pedophilia, beastiality, harem/reverse harem, etc. However I'm not comfortable writing about big-gap age difference (under 20 years is still okay). Fanfic: I can do fanfiction too, but you need to check with me if I know that specific movie/tv show/anime/manga/etc fandom or not. I am familiar with these universes, but you're welcome to ask and check for any other fandom: Game of Thrones Harry Potter Any Marvel or DC movies/animation Any popular anime / manga / movie / tv show Add: If your story is not within the author's range of knowledge, there will be some research and extra $25 charge involved. Plot & Requirements: Please feel free to order as much as you like. You can be as detailed or as vague about the plot. I can work with anything! For example, from 1 to 10, how much detailed you want me to put in the sex scene(s)? What are the tags/warnings? What do you like and don't like? Write the events/plotlines in • bullet points • according to the story timeline, so that it will be easier for me to follow. You can use bold to highlight the certain areas you want me to put emphasize on in writing. PRICING $100 = 2,500 words $200 = 5,000 words $400 = 10,000 words $600 = 15,000 words $800 = 20,000 words Art + Story Bundle If you are using for publication purposes, there will be a 20% extra charge. Please also credit the author's name (to help get her name out there more). PAYPAL We only accept payment via paypal, credit/debit card (via paypal invoicing). SAMPLE Example of my existing stories can be found at the following sites: Google Drive: http://sites.google.com/view/writing-commission/order AO3: http://goo.gl/MjxtmD SoFurry: http://writingcommission.sofurry.com (turn mature setting on)
  8. Marbledaydreams' 2016 Commissions Prices updated and new options available! UPDATED: 09/06/16 I DO DRAW: Original Characters, Fanart, Pairing Pictures, Self Inserts, Real People, Suggestive Poses, Smut, NC-17, NSFW, Characters with no Prior Drawn Reference, Genderbends, Crossdressing, Human, Kemonomimi, Lolita and J-Fashion I am currently focusing on my human/humanoid artwork and will only be accepting furry characters for chibis and minis! I DON’T DRAW: Bara, Really Bulky/Muscle Heavy Characters, VoreIf you have any questions pertaining to a particular request, feel free to send me a message at any of my contacts: marbledaydreams@gmail.com SpookyCuteAdopts @ DeviantART marbledaydreams @ FurAffinityI accept face claims and written descriptions as reference as well as drawn or otherwise depicted reference. Please know that if I am uncomfortable with the content requested I hold the right to turn down the drawing. *** I reserve the right to add to the price ($5.00-$8.00) of the commission at time of request due to complex character designs or lolita fashion with complex prints. OTHER MINI EXAMPLES: http://sta.sh/21khw3utr4n8 OTHER THEMED CHIBI EXAMPLES: N/A OTHER BUST EXAMPLES: http://sta.sh/22dhmswg0ytr OTHER WAIST UP (fully shaded) EXAMPLES: http://sta.sh/2v1b91m7viz OTHER WAIST UP (flats) EXAMPLES: http://sta.sh/21arj0d7s1jv HOW TO COMMISSION: How to Order: Send me an email titled: "Commission Request" (or a PM with the same title) giving me a brief description of what you would like, specifying clearly which type of commission you would like. Await my response. I take about 12 - 24 hours to get back to my customers on busy days. After the commission has been approved, I will give you a full form outlining the details of the commission and confirming the payment method. Payment can be made via email through paypal OR debit card through Square Cash. Once payment is received I will begin working on your commission! Note: Orders are completed in the order they are received. This means from the time I receive payment not from the time the order was placed. If the payment is of a large increment of $100.00 or more we can work out a split plan upon request. I would also consider financing over an extended amount of weeks for something that will take an extensive amount of time. However, these terms need to be agreed upon before the commission is accepted and before I begin working. Paypal: spookycuteshoppe@gmail.comDo not send payment until I have confirmed the commission with you.If there is something you do not see listed that you would like me to work on then feel free to submit a request. I am open to long term projects, comics, and other various commissions that might require further discussion and special pricing. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER Slots NOW OPEN: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What to Expect? Most commissions take me about a week once I start working on them for simple commissions or designs. Larger designs or sketchpage commissions/large reference sheets could take me closer to 2 weeks. For more info, on time frames send me an email and I will give you a rough time expectation for your commission to be completed. Currently I am offering a 3 day turnaround on ALL commissions made through this post!I will always send you a sketch for approval prior to completing your commission. Upon request I might also livestream if it is available in my time frame.I will not continue working on your commission until I have received your approval for the sketch and this could delay the process. Please understand this and be sure to take it into consideration when I give you an expected deadline date. I reserve the right to edit the deadline date as I see fit based on feedback and work load. If your deadline changes I will notify you.
  9. Pretty much what it says in the title really, I'm hoping to find someone who's willing to draw some full-body fat fur art of my fursona. I'm prepared to pay up to $30 for a commission. I'm not overly fussed about the style so long as it's somewhat realistically proportioned while still in keeping with the 'fat fur' theme, I.e I'd rather my fursona look realistically overweight (around 300 or so lbs) than have a comically large and perfectly circular belly. Preferably I'd like my 'sona to be holding/eating a burger or hotdog while giving either an embarrassed or suggestive expression towards the camera. Here are some links to visual references on my page, I've also attached a WIP sketch I did to give an idea of the desired body shape: www.furaffinity.net: My Fat Fursona (Profile Pic) by MontyFatBear www.furaffinity.net: Monty Grizzle - Ref Sheet by MontyFatBear I've also posted a character bio on my FA page if that's at all relevant. I understand this may not interest any of the artists on here but if any of you know of a fat fur artist who is open for commissions please send me a link to their page.
  10. Artist offering digital art starting at $10 USD for a single character sketch or 4X4" coloured icon. Watch your sketch take shape in a live drawing stream! (Streams are public and potentially NSFW)
  11. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19497334/ "Easter Egg" custom adoptables! Choose either "Sand and Silk" or "Paint Splatter". First come, first served. Buyer chooses species and gender identity. Will draw all species/genders You will get a simple reference sheet that includes 1 full-body and 1 headshot Examples here http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/monochromatic-dragon/folder/54754/reference-sheets Comment or note to claim
  12. Uri

    Uri's Art

    Hey all! I'm new to the forum but I've had an account on FA since January 2014. I'm a university student and therefore classes come first priority, but I keep a fairly good turnaround regardless. For further examples, my deviantart is linked in my profile and my commission weebly is here. I offer a wide variety of pieces, from deviantart-sized icons to portraits to designs to full illustrations. All my commissions right now are digital art pieces. I do mainly feral artwork, though I'm willing to play around with anthro, werewolf, etc types of art. I will not do NSFW or any fetish related pieces, sorry. I only accept USD. Note that I also offer sketches and coloured sketches for ~10-~20 To contact me, the fastest way is to either submit with the commission form on the weebly or to toss me a note on my dA. Each slot in the pixels section can have 3 pieces by the holder of that slot. Each slot in the smooth section can have 2 pieces by the holder of that slot. Slots may close or open up at any point. PIXELS 50x50 icons $10 - $15 (more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. 3. 95x95/100x100 avatars/ports $15 - $20 (more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. 3. Teenies $10+, depending on complexity (LOTS more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. 3. Big Pixels $30+ (more examples in weebly and deviantart) Slots: 1. 2. 3. SMOOTH ART Portraits and Busts $20 - $100+ (LOTS more examples in weebly and deviantart) Slots: 1. 2. Forum Avatars $20+ I can also do 200x300 avatars starting at $25. (more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. 3. Minis $8+ (more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. 3. Eyebanners $20 (more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. 3. Flat (and Simple Shaded) Fullbodies $25+ (more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. Ref Sheets/Designs $30+ Each additional fullbody beyond the first is an additional $20. Headshots beyond the first are +$10 each. If I am designing the character, add an additional $10. (more examples in weebly) Slots: 1. 2. Full Illustrations $50+ (more examples in weebly and deviantart) Slots: 1. 2. Character Cards $50+ (above examples would cost $100 and $70 respectively) (more examples in weebly and deviantart) Slots: 1.
  13. Hello boys and gurls You can call me Glor and this is my little shop. Thing. Furaffinity | DeviantArt | Adoptables I draw this and that from anthro to plants (if you played GW2 you know what I'm talking about). There are few things I prefer to do and some I'd never touch so please check this out first: I draw: - humanoid/anthro - nsfw (nakid/kinky) - any gender - animal features (like nekomimi) I don't draw: - mecha - gore - animals - drug use
  14. I'm looking for an artist that can draw a three character vore pic involving my fursona Sultz who is the predator and one of my OC's Kiara and Leshana who is the prey in a hair salon. I have a $40 budget for the pic, and hopefully I can get a much cheaper colored commission. Please reply to this thread, PM me or note me on my FA page if you are interested in doing this commission, and i'll give you all of the details of the commission when you do. Thank you for reading my thread.
  15. Hello everyone! While I am new to this forum, I've been on FA since early 2009 and have finally decided to come out of my shell a little and offer up some commission slots! These will be on a first come, first serve basis, and I will include examples for each category. Please note that while I have a very fast turnaround (typically between 1-3 days), if there's a lot of interest, some might take me a bit longer, as I also hold a full time job and cannot be chained to my tablet 24/7. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I also promise that I am very open to discussion. Whatever you're looking for I will be happy to talk it through with you, don't be shy! I can be contacted here, or at my email Mechanicalrain06@gmail.com Or you can send me a message at my FA Here Sketches Price; $20.00 USD Sketched and inked, no color, no background. Headshot Price: $ 40.00 - 60.00 USD From chest up, color optional, background optional. Multiple Characters Price: $ 60.00 - 90.00 USD Multiple characters with simple or no background. NSFW optional, color included. Character Sheet Price: $ 80.00 USD Model sheet for a character, including full body colored shot, sketched action poses, color pallet, 3-4 expressions and text information. Also, NSFW additions optional. Full Price: $ 100.00 - 150.00 USD Full pictures, multiple characters optional, NSFW optional, full colored background. I've included some SFW examples, but here are also some links to NSFW and Fetish examples of my work as well. WARNING; FOLLOWING LINKS NSFW, PLEASE BE SURE YOU ARE OF LEGAL AGE TO VIEW EXPLICIT IMAGES BEFORE CLICKING! THANK YOU! NSFW Single Character, Simple Background NSFW Multi-Chara, Fetish, Full background + Color NSFW Solo Character, Fetish, simple background NSFW Character Sheet with NSFW addition Open Slots- 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  16. Hi! I'm Ally and I take commissions~ You can find my main gallery over at obliviousally @ FA (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/obliviousally/) and my commission-centric gallery, which also hosts adoptables and YCH's over at obliviousally-comms @ FA (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/obliviousally-comms). I also have a Storenvy (http://obliviousally.storenvy.com/) where I sell my original artwork. (for some reason it's not letting me insert links, so there's the url's for the time being) If you're interested in getting a commission from me, please contact me! Either directly in the comments here, via a PM, on FurAffinity via +note, or via email at obliviousally.commissionsATgmailDOTcom. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! ---------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL COMMISSIONS HEADSHOTS $5 - headshot sketch $10 - headshot inked $15 - headshot colored ------- headshots are from the neck or shoulders up! FULL BODY $25 - full body sketch $30 - full body inked $40 - full body colored ------- full body illustrations are pretty self explainatory! CONBADGES $30 - conbadge colored ------- conbadges are printed, laminated, and shipped free of charge! Examples of most of my digital commissions are below: ---------------------------------------------------------------- TRADITIONAL COMMISSIONS While I don't have a visual price list for it yet, I am willing to do traditional illustrations, as well. Though they are pricier, due to the time and materials necessary to create them. I use Prismacolor fineliners, brush pens, Copic markers, and other pens and such for traditional illustrations. Below are some examples with some rough price ranges. It's really best to inquire directly to me about traditional commissions, as prices all depend on size and if you want color versus sketch/inks. The prices listed are for standard illustration paper sizes, though I DO have smaller sized illustration paper - if you're interested in something a bit smaller (and, therefore, cheaper!), please don't hesitate to ask! SKETCHES $25 - 8x11 $35 - 9x12 $45 - 11x14 ------- full body, half body, headshot - they're all the same price as i will fill up the whole sheet with the image ------- the examples below are a bit messier than an actual commissioned sketch would be - expect yours to be cleaned up significantly and the lines tightened and smooth INKWORK $40 - 8x11 $50 - 9x12 $60 - 11x14 ------- full body, half body, headshot - they're all the same price as i will fill up the whole sheet with the image ------ the examples below are current to my inkwork style COLOR $50 - 8x11 $75 - 9x12 $100 - 11x14 -------- full body, half body, headshot - they're all the same price as i will fill up the whole sheet with the image
  17. My friend Island and I are looking for an artist that can draw a pic of the kid versions of our fursonas in a public restroom peeing in the urinals, there will be no mature parts of our fursonas being shown. The budget for this pic is $60 and I will send you all of the detalis of the pic as soon as you accept the commission.
  18. [align=center] EXAMPLES Slots: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please contact me on: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/meowmixx101/ NSFW COMISSIONS info is linked below http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18054427/
  19. Hello everyone! RFC here and I would like to offer my skills to any and all who need some art! I am a traditional artist who is still learning the ways of digital, but I have the materials to make badges, buttons, and full scale pieces! I am open for pretty much anything, attached in this link is my personal F-list that allows you to see at a quick glance of what I will and will not draw. https://www.f-list.net/c/suzanne snover/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/roaring-flame-cat/ is my FA where I am most active on the internet in regards to my art, I won't bombard you with examples, as I'm sure you all can figure out how to wander my site. (I do have it blocked to non FA users, so if you don't have a FA, please let me know! I'll be more than happy to e-mail you individual references and art!) if you are interested in anything at all, please note me there, or email me at RoaringFlameCat@gmail.com! Thank you all for looking and I really appreciate your time!
  20. Hi! My name is darkpandasolaris and i'm an Italian cartoon artist! I'm studying to become a cartoonist so I like to draw different character, especially Anthro animal (but that doesn't mean I ignore humans ) here some example of my art! queensolaris.deviantart.com/ or http://www.furaffinity.net/user/solaris91/In addition, there is a special offer: If you commissioned a design from me, you can get a second free from my boyfriend, just go here---> http://www.furaffinity.net/user/valethehowl/ for those interested, here's the rules:-I accept paypal-I refuse to draw scenes of violence, vore, physical or psychological abuse, or may disturb people. I can always refuse to make a draw if the request not suit me-I can draw "erotic"situation or NSFW art - Payment for commission will be made BEFORE i start to working. - Do not ask to see preview of the work until i know i can trust you.REASON: unfortunately it happened to me many times that showing sketches of the commission, some people after that never paid me for the work and give to other MY SAME DRAW to completed for free .I understand that you could not like this, and I don't blame you, unfortunately it's a rule that I must apply, at least until I will have again the security to trust who ask commissions. EXAMPLE OF MY ART: Sketch and icon 5$: character profile 20$ (Simple or detailed): Big draw 30$: little draw 15$: draw with multiple character 40$: CHIBI 10$ or more:
  21. ill draw anything you want, any number of characters, any backdrop, for a fixed price of $15usd! do note that the more detail you add the lower quality it will be, however. if you want r-18 works, please expect a negotiation and possible denial of your request as i only do certain themes i'm comfortable with! don't be afraid to ask, though my style consists of sketchy lines, flat colours, and painterly shading. these examples don't show landscape backgrounds, but if you want one, be sure to include that in your request since they're covered by the price! if you're interested, e-mail me at quagmath@gmail.com, or drop me a note at mqqm.deviantart.com . i check my e-mail more frequently, however. my paypal account is quagmath@gmail.com. any questions, you can e-mail me or reply to the thread here! ^__^
  22. Currently:Open Work Status:Caught up Prices $10-30 Sketches Examples: $10 -nsfw $15 -nsfw $20 -nsfw $20 -sfw $25 -sfw $40-70 colored Examples: $40 -sfw $50 -sfw $60 -sfw $70 -sfw Prices are adjusted by time spent
  23. I am offering two types of commissions: realistic portraits, or stylized character drawings. 1) $25 Realistic Portraits: 2) Stylized Character Drawings ($5 headshots, $10 busts, $15 waist ups, $20 fullbody (For quads, fullbody is $10):
  24. EXTRA LIFE COMMISSIONS! Open till November 6th! Alrighty people! I've signed up for Extra Life this year, and I want to actually raise money this time around. So I'm gonna take the plunge and open up five commission slots. Each slot will be $25, and here's the way it will break down: Changing it now - The commissions are only $15 now, and all of it goes to Extra Life! $20 from each slot goes straight to Extra Life, which benefits Children's Hospitals around the US. The remaining $5 (minus Paypal's share) will go to me for food, because I like food, and it helps me art. And what does this $25 $15 slot get you? Your pick of the following: 1 full body color sketch (digital) with simple background 2 waist up color sketches (digital) with no background -or...- Reserve 2 slots for one sketch with two full body characters and a more detailed background. Or, if you'd rather not put down a whole $25$15, or want to contribute more, you can donate any amount you want directly to Extra Life right here! Just click on 'Support Me' and follow the instructions! I'll also be brewing up something for the donation totals in general. I'm hoping to make a minimum of $100 this year, but my ultimate goal is $200. (Note from future self: Yah... probably not happening) More to come as the week progresses! --- FA journal on this is right here. That is also where you'll put down your request! Pretty much a ctrl-c/ctrl-v of this, with slightly more details at the end. --- Edit: Realize I should have at least posted a link to my gallery, and that I probably should have read over the rules first. Until then, here's a sampling of my work.
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