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Rant: Metalheads


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What is with metalheads commonly being super elitists? Now I don't have much experience with them in real life, but on the internet, they are some of the most arrogant fuckers you can come across when it involves discussing music. I realize that music is a very passionate interest to many people, and every genre has its share of jackasses. However, the metal community seems to have these dicks EVERYWHERE. From what I gather, it's not even about the music anymore, but who they can impress by listening to the most obscure bands. Anything that is even remotely mainstream is considered shit-tier and not "true metal" (but some stuff gets an automatic pass for being really old). They even use derogatory terms for certain types of related music, like butt rock. They are the most pretentious shits you can come across if they don't like what you like. They bring a toxicity to the community and actively make people feel ashamed for liking things outside of the very small spectrum of "real metal". Why do these people even consider themselves metalheads if they hate most metal?

I thought I had a better rant in my head earlier, but this should get the point across.

Edited by Barnectomy
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I love a wide variety of genres including some metal, and I will agree that metal fans are among the worst when it comes to elitism

I went to high school with a few metal heads, and they always thought their musical tastes were 'above' everyone elses, and would claim that anything electronic "isn't real music"

Only to then go off and listen to a track with some angry Scandinavian dude screaming and making pig noises whilst another guy smashes the same few chords on a guitar over and over again for about 3 minutes. ok then


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3 minutes ago, Azurex said:

I love a wide variety of genres including some metal, and I will agree that metal fans are among the worst when it comes to elitism

I went to high school with a few metal heads, and they always thought their musical tastes were 'above' everyone elses, and would claim that anything electronic "isn't real music"

Only to then go off and listen to a track with some angry Scandinavian dude screaming and making pig noises whilst another guy smashes the same few chords on a guitar over and over again for about 3 minutes. ok then


One of my friends from high school was a metal elitist, but he like liked electronic music too, but only if it was something hardcore like industrial and would say everything else was pop or techno crap.  He was pretty elitist about that too I guess.

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2 hours ago, Clove Darkwave said:

The best part is that they keep inventing a bajillion subgenres. They're pretty bombastic people IRL though, fun to be around.


But when it comes to discussing music I'll stick with my pretentious Goths. At least we all just refuse to talk to each other.

pff, you should listen to thrash-necro-indie-pop-lawdhavemercyonmysoul-beyonce-ultradeath-grind-kill-core and you'd know why they have a million genres.

but this is a huge gripe for me, especially listening to idiots argue about what genre one artist/album/song plays/is...

shit like that makes me think of some snobby wine-tasting club. fuck off.

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Duuuuude, I just played my bass guitar a little differen't to every other band, NEW METAL GENRE!


As a Metalhead I hate metalheads sometimes. "Hey I like Alestorm" "EWWW! Why aren't you here for the other bands?" "This... is an Alestorm headlining show..."

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I could write a rant now about people who have bad experiences with 2 or 3 other people and instantly shit over a whole community. Fuck furries. I don't like you you rant about metalheads so every furry has to be like you so every furry sucks.

Get what I mean?

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3 hours ago, Joshi said:

I could write a rant now about people who have bad experiences with 2 or 3 other people and instantly shit over a whole community. Fuck furries. I don't like you you rant about metalheads so every furry has to be like you so every furry sucks.

Get what I mean?


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I like how some people are all "Well metal is metal, fuck the genre division" but it's pretty important really when you're talking of a genre that large. There are obvious differences in say, If These Trees Could Talk and Behemoth, but both could be classified as metal. Getting the genre right to find more similar artists is pretty useful, so that's why there are lots of genre warfares going on in there, but the same thing happens in EDM world so it'd be pretty hypocritical to label metalheads as sole quilty faction.

I'm a metalhead myself, and I don't even look at the comments on YT. It's cancer enough as it is. I haven't ever even met an elitist metalhead in my life. Mostly we're a jolly glad bunch of people who like the heavier side of music and that connection alone is sometimes enough to warrant a thin friendship.

Many metalheads play some instrument, or would like to, and cosnequently pay attention to the instruments and musicianship, and what happens in mainstream music everywhere is simplification for profits, which makes a lot of the well known metal bands sound pretty much the same and the formula is shitty to cater to as many people as possible. While I would say that A7x is still metal, I think it's shit because the band's been robbed of its freedom to really express themselves and they end up making cookie cutter metal many people don't think is "real"

Edited by Sarcastic Coffeecup
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@OP, the fuck are you saying, you stinking cunt? Metal is the greatest music ever! Except for shit like alternative metal, glam metal, post-metal, grindcore, metalcore, hardcore, softcore, no-core, fag metal, jew metal, shit metal, steampunk metal, and all other genres I forgot! Hah, I bet you don't even know what real music is. I bet you listen to Avril Lavigne or some other gay shit like that. Oh, and by the way, you're really close-minded if you don't think Ozzy Osburn is A FUCKING GOD YOU FILTHY PEASANT MORTAL!

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32 minutes ago, Sarcastic Coffeecup said:

Many metalheads play some instrument, or would like to, and cosnequently pay attention to the instruments and musicianship, and what happens in mainstream music everywhere is simplification for profits, which makes a lot of the well known metal bands sound pretty much the same and the formula is shitty to cater to as many people as possible. While I would say that A7x is still metal, I think it's shit because the band's been robbed of its freedom to really express themselves and they end up making cookie cutter metal many people don't think is "real"

I wouldn't go so far as to say A7X lost their freedom. I'm probably biased but there's a variety of instruments in their music that I appreciate a lot. Some of their songs are everything but metal. That's probably what people hate about this band but it's this very aspect I like about them.

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100% agree with you OP. I love me some metal music, but my tastes tend to fall on the more mainstream side of things. This doesn't bother me, mostly because I actually get to SEE the bands I like live. The obscure European black death sludge ain't coming to Wisconsin.

I try and sample everything from the giant genre that metal is though. There's a lot of good stuff hidden away.

But yeah, most of the metal fans I meet online are total cunts. This place ain't so bad though, and the metal thread in the Tube subboard has been pretty chill.

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The metalheads that I meet are interesting. I know some extremely chill dudes who happen to know a huge variety of styles and types of metal and do a great job of talking about the pros and cons of each genre, but some of their friends...christ.

Once got into an argument that prog wasn't just technical wankery. Had to explain to the person the numerous examples of Dream Theater's techniques used in any other form of music. This...did not register with them at all and they continued to call it mindless noodling. 

The list goes on and on.

However, Coffee's post is on point. In fact one of my favourite composition professors is a huge fan of The Dillinger Escape Plan and 90s Thrash, and it goes to show that metalheads really aren't limited to being the semantic basement dwellers you see in youtube comments.

They DO exist, but they're mostly people you just ignore when you try to talk about music and then in one fell swoop life is back to normal.

Edited by evan
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37 minutes ago, LazerMaster5 said:


Good luck finding the music video for this song. It was apparently so gruesome, it was banned from YouTube.

Oh, and good song. Cattle Decapitation fucking rocks.


Reminds me of Lamp of God in a way LOL. With much more epic drums.

But I'll stick to metal with an actual singer :P

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Have an interest? That's nice. I'm better at your interest than you are. Whatever it is. Doesn't really matter - I'm still better. I've done more, seen more, heard more, tasted more, felt more, had sex with more...because instead of building a community I just want to hide the shame of admitting I like things behind a fuckton of douchebaggery and dickmeasuring.

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