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Alright my fellow Steven Universe fans.


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I've only seen the first season thus far. I really do like it through, it has the charm and kind spirited nature of the first season of MLP, with the clever and progressive writing akin to the likes of most of Adventure Time, and Gravity Falls. I watch it with my roommate though, and she works two jobs so we rarely get the time to sit and watch stuff. I'm hoping we can catch up on the second season sometime soon though!

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What's Steven Universe?

I'm serious.

It's essentially a magical girl anime with some more superhero-ish themes made by and for western audiences, with an art style much akin to Gravity Falls. about a young boy named Steven, and his guardian parental figures who are aliens from another world. It's one of the better written children's shows in recent memory, good morals without being needlessly preachy, tends to be pretty progressive.

And yeah, naturally it's something that Tumblr latched on to, but Tumblr tries to lay claim to pretty much anything even vaguely decent so that's a terrible reason not to want to watch something. You'll be left with damn near nothing if you do that. Just, y'know, don't try to take part in any of the Tumblr shit. I've pretty well avoided fandoms on tumblr completely these days.

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What's Steven Universe?

I'm serious.

It's a cartoon about a boy who is half alien, half human. He lives with other aliens to learn about his powers, but eventually learns of a dark war his mother took part in, and why the aliens are still on Earth. They still have enemies in the cosmos, who eventually come looking to colonize Earth and strip it of it's resources. 

It also deals with pretty progressive issues, all the alien characters are nonbinary, and have canon same sex relationships which are acknowledged and accepted. 

Think Dragon Ball Z but cuter. 


P.S. Roommate let me name her Peridot after she got to know her for a couple hours. YES. 

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No, they're just genderless entirely. Though they are for the most part represented as being feminine.

So how does genderless feminine deal with any of the current problems/issues? Especially considering that they're alien, so they may have different physique and/or customs? Especially since there are no genderless (sexless?) people, functions being determined by the possessed reproductive organs and/or identity.
And that say I, an agender male.

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So how does genderless feminine deal with any of the current problems/issues? Especially considering that they're alien, so they may have different physique and/or customs? Especially since there are no genderless (sexless?) people, functions being determined by the possessed reproductive organs.And that say I, an agender male.

they can shapeshift, and its said in an interview that Steven's mom had to shape shift a womb to hold Steven. They're made from rocks, Steven is an entirely new being. They use female pronouns except for Steven.

As for how our deals with ccurren issues, I meant how we veiw same sex relationships, nonbinary individuals, and gender norms, as well as a very complex view on good, evil, and war. 


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So how does genderless feminine deal with any of the current problems/issues? Especially considering that they're alien, so they may have different physique and/or customs? Especially since there are no genderless (sexless?) people, functions being determined by the possessed reproductive organs and/or identity.And that say I, an agender male.

Why would issues regarding gender and sexuality be the ONLY possible issues a children's show could tackle that would be considered progressive or relevant? There are actually other problems children and young adults face in life that aren't directly tied to our gender identities and sexualities y'know.

The show tends to address issues of how femininity is perceived. It puts forth the ideals that it is very much possible to act and portray oneself as feminine, but still be strong. Both physically and emotionally.

Steven, is a very cheery young boy who enjoys feminine things, is overweight but the show never makes this out to be a bad thing, and he has a family that consists of multiple mothers and a father, which is a lowkey way of portraying a non-traditional family structure, and how children can be raised well in such an environment.

There are multiple side characters aside from the gems that are used to address other issues. Oppressive, overprotective parents. Abusive relationships. The difficulties of being a responsible authority figure. And plenty more I'm sure, as I've not even begun the second season yet.

And because the gems are genderless, the show is able to use this as a cheeky way of getting away with portraying lesbian relationships, because technically they aren't actually 'female'

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Why would issues regarding gender and sexuality be the ONLY possible issues a children's show could tackle that would be considered progressive or relevant? There are actually other problems children and young adults face in life that aren't directly tied to our gender identities and sexualities y'know.
The show tends to address issues of how femininity is perceived. It puts forth the ideals that it is very much possible to act and portray oneself as feminine, but still be strong. Both physically and emotionally.

Steven, is a very cheery young boy who enjoys feminine things, is overweight but the show never makes this out to be a bad thing, and he has a family that consists of multiple mothers and a father, which is a lowkey way of portraying a non-traditional family structure, and how children can be raised well in such an environment.

There are multiple side characters aside from the gems that are used to address other issues. Oppressive, overprotective parents. Abusive relationships. The difficulties of being a responsible authority figure. And plenty more I'm sure, as I've not even begun the second season yet.

And because the gems are genderless, the show is able to use this as a cheeky way of getting away with portraying lesbian relationships, because technically they aren't actually 'female'

Thanks for this. There was so much more I wanted to say but I didnt have the ability to put it in words.

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I forgot to mention.

Clod means human feces.

So peridot calls them crystal shits

 I'm pretty sure that's not the case...

"Clod" can mean either a chunk of dirt (it would probably be fairly insulting for a gemstone to be compared to dirt), or it can mean something like "dummy" or "dimwit".

I've never heard it used in the way you mentioned, at least not around here.

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Yes, can we???

stuff and things are happening and where is malachite???? haven't heard much on that front in a while.

UGHH!!!! All those recent revelations!!!!


  • Like how most Gems are Mass Produced.
    Making me consider that there must be some "Higher" class of "Natural" Gems that rule Homeworld.
  • How Gem Homeworld apparently has a hierarchy based on the composite make-up of their gems.
  • How Peridot described Amethyst as being "defective" but the "only real gem" out of the Crystal Gems.
    That and how Amethyst is a "Quartz" type gem and should be "Bigger and Broader".
    Hearing that makes me believe she was supposed to be more like Jasper as the Jasper stone is a type of quartz. 
    It also explains why Amethyst and Jasper share the Spin-Attack move. They're both "Soldier-type" Gems.
  • Peridot also described Pearl being a lower-class type of Gem.
    Describing them as "Being Pretty" and "Following Orders". More like a Statuesque servant rather than an independent "Useful" Gem.


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  • There definitely has to be a hierarchy on Homeworld. If Pearl is a servant type and a Diamond is high in command and all that. And that Peridot was amused by the idea of being a "peridot with a pearl." Would that make Peridot relatively low class too?
  • I do wonder about how the other gems of the same type look and what they call themselves. Are all Pearl's named Pearl? All Amethysts? Rubies, Sapphires???
  • Amethyst was a lot smaller in the flashback episodes too. Did she grow over time? Since it seems that she was supposed to pop out of her hole fully completed and Amazonian. There's a bit of disconnect from the flashback size and how when they went back to the Kindergarten she fit perfectly. Because she can shapeshift, would that make Puma closer to what she should have been like?

ahhhh so many questions...

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SOOOO many!!!! 

I wonder what the societal roles each Gem has. 
Or what TYPES of Gems there are!!!
Let's try and categorize them:
   High Class

  • Diamond
  • Quartz types. Obviously made for Battle.
    Rose Quartz, Jasper, Amethyst

    Low Class

  • Pearl. Servant Type.
  • Corundum

Now I wonder how their abilities play into how they fit into society. Because if Sapphire is counted as lower class how does her Future Vision play into her role as a "Sapphire". Or even if it's an ability SOLELY hers.

Lapis Lazuli as well! Seeing as she has control over an element and high battle capabilities and potential. Where would she fit? "Lapis Lazuli" itself is a semi-precious stone so would that put her somewhere in a Middle Class?


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