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What are your strengths?


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I saw the 'What are your faults' thread and got a little bummed out as there wasn't a sister thread to it. It is always good to be humble, but you're not only your faults. You're your strengths, too. And healthy self esteem is still the most useful thing to have as a person if you want to grow and achieve the things you want to do. 

I'll be posting in the faults thread because it's healthy to be self aware, but I'm more than my faults. 

I'm incredibly strong, in more ways than one. I'm confident in different ways. I'm intelligent on the street and within the books.  I'm talented only because I worked hard to get where I am and wasn't born with it. I persevere and I think the world of my friends. I'm incredibly empathetic. I have a natural disposition to lead, and based on my strengths above I have been incredibly good to the various clubs I have leadership positions in. I'm pretty cute, too. I have value to myself and the people around me. These strengths I have were made from me just growing up, and each and every strength has another side of it to a mirror.

 I just thought we- the forums in general- need to remember to value ourselves too.  Degrading ourselves may be in vogue, but that isn't gonna get you anywhere. 

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If you're able to befriend me, I'm pretty supportive, and fairly loyal. I'm also a good listener and openly let people just kind of dump and vent to me if they feel the need. I'm not good with advice, but I can guarantee I'll listen and offer what I can. I've also been told I'm entertaining to have around, but that's debatable.

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I'm easy to interact with I think. 

I'm really good at producing good work at the very last minute (i.e. doing homework/essays the night before it's due in).

I'm a pretty docile person too. I'm usually quite relaxed and happy and upbeat, and I don't get mad over most things so I don't make people feel upset/guilty in that regard (that's the last thing I want people to feel because of me).

I can draw pretty well, for my standards at least, when I really put my mind to it (can't colour or paint for shit though).

I'm good at musical things.

I make people laugh on a moderately regular basis, either intentionally or not (usually not).

Edited by Sutekh_the_Steak
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I'm not a very Judgmental person. I feel as though I can be a fiercely loyal friend and expect the same. I'm generally put people before myself and genuinely care about everyone. I think I may be a good listener.

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I'm pretty humorous.

I can be pretty empathetic. 

I may have a fear of judgement, but I try/tend not to condemn people for their shit

musically inclined

I try to see what's "good" in a situation. 

I've been told I'm smart; I don't express it the way others would like me to, but they tell me it's there. 


I'm not very forceful at all, this is a double-edged sword because sometimes I won't do things for myself. 

Resilient, in a sense...

Coming up with a list for this thread has been considerably harder than the list for the "What are your faults?" thread. My challenge in that one was trying to boil it down to the root "faults", and not have it ridiculously long. lol


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Aside from social anxiety I'm basically fearless. I suppose that could also be a detriment but it hasn't killed me yet.

Bsically this, few things I fear.

I also have penchant for trying to not be ignorant and have a clear understanding of different ideas, ultures, peoples, and mindsets (though where Im from some would call this a weakness)

I can draw better than the average person.

I have this really neat ability where I can pick myself up from periods of sadness and maintain a generally content and cheerful atmosphere, and I try to help others feel that way too, even though I imagine its much harder for others. Just being friendly and supportive of their issues helps, though

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Being impassive and objective about matters; no one really favours the truely fair but they know I'm the one to come to for a second opinion without favouritism creeping in.  In tow of that is my level of patience for things that need doing, I won't flip a table just because something doesn't work first time unlike a lot of people I know...

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Despite the faults I listed on the faults subject, I have some strengths. Many of the faults are only a fault when it goes beyond the scope at hand and can actually become strengths in the right set of circumstances.

  • Laser beam focus on a task - this is an excellent asset to have when you are trying to reach the root of a problem or phenominon and the explanation is not terribly clear. 
  • Bad temper can be refocused into doing good - More than once in my time as a student in public school I was presented with the opportunity to stand up to a bully. It was powerful and I fought them like a Viking warrior. Once was when I was being roughed up and beat up by a bully and getting in trouble for delivering the punches back, the other happened in my 8th grade year when I saw a guy twice my size punch a Down's Syndrome girl in the stomach. I rushed in there and pinned him to the wall and completely overwhelmed him with surprise without thinking about it. The Down's Syndrome girl's mother thanked me, we knew them someplace else, and I received a death threat per day from that creep afterwards.
  • Stubborness has sought to it I have completed hard tasks where others would quit.

There are others, this is just a start I guess.


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I'm clever, well compared to everyone else in my school.  Compared to everyone? Ehhh..probably average.

Also I can sort out arguments pretty well because I never really pick favourites, al!so reinforced by the fact that I view most of the people I speak to with low standards , so I don't really have favourites in the first place ( besides my friends obviously).

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  • 3 weeks later...

If somebody asks me for help, I try not to look at past transgressions and help them anyways. I don't say things just to be nice-- I will be cruelly honest if I feel there is a need. I will do things to help people, though. If I know what it is I can do for them...

Music is a lifelong passion of mine. I currently know how to play clarinet, piano, xylophone, guitar and the drums. I'm learning tenor saxophone right now.

I have a lot of ideas for games that I want to be more than entertaining. They will make the player engage with themselves in an introspective way I think only video games can as an interactive medium. They can be used to help people become their best selves, and I understand that. Just have to figure out how to best employ that power of theirs...

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  • I'm good at not getting angry? I usually redirect that anger towards myself
  • I have empathy for a lot of people, even some that I probably shouldn't...
  • I enjoy being helpful a lot of times, but it depends on my mood and whether I'm feeling overwhelmed or not
  • I put my closest friends before myself
  • I hate hurting people, and try to avoid confrontation if I can
  • I like making people laugh, even if I suck at it
  • I'm determined and hard working when I want to be
  • I find a lot of nature beautiful, if that counts?
  • I love tinkering with things and finding out how they work
  • Programming, although I'm light years behind everybody else and feel overwhelmed to the point of pondering if I should throw in the towel
  • I'm easy to get along with
  • I care a lot about animals. Hell I feel bad if I kill a spider :(

That's all I can think of for now

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i am a fine cook

i can make even people who hate me laugh

im kinda smart?

it is literally impossible to sucker punch me

i can jury rig ANYTHING into a bong

i can do massive amounts of drugs and not die

if we fight and i knock you down, ill let ya get back up before i finish ya

i can literally sleep without moving, if you feel that strongly about YOUR side of the bed, you hog

uhhhhh, i dunno i hate praising myself, feels biased


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At first I was going to say: nothing, but I stuffed that part of me in a box for a few minutes to find that:

  • I value integrity, and would never cheat, betray, or manipulate anyone.
  • I don't let depression keep me from going out of the house and seeing everyone I know at least once a week.
  • I never try to make anyone feel bad (on purpose at least...)

I suppose the best one is - I'm nothing like my father (a homophobic, misogynistic, racist, know-it-all bigot who belittles and insults everyone constantly). I'm most proud of that...

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I am extraordinarily good at growing hair, especially on my scalp. It clocks in at about an inch a month, I shit you not. 

...I really want short hair. It's like living with either a woolen cape, or a rope, that is ever-present, and also attached to the back of my fucking head. I want to cut it, but I also love it. Help.

Edited by littlerock
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I am extraordinarily good at growing hair, especially on my scalp. It clocks in at about an inch a month, I shit you not. 

...I really want short hair. It's like living with either a woolen cape, or a rope, that is ever-present, and also attached to the back of my fucking head. I want to cut it, but I also love it. Help.

give it the chop, tie an end together tight with two strings or elastic bands, hold that bundle against the wall, and slam a nail through it

now you have a nice decoration that can be taken down at any time to be used as a chewbacca costume

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i am a fine cook

Definitely read that as "I have a fine cock", giggled in class, I hope you're happy!

humm, let's see. I'm pretty easygoing, I get along with everybody. I think I'd make a good therapist or councilor. I'm pretty smart I suppose, or at least I find that I pick up new skills really fast and I'm good at thinking big picture about stuff. It's most apparent when I learn a new video game or something useless like that though, ehehe.

Also my girlfriend insists I'm cute, so I've got that going for me, which is nice x3

Edited by MuttButt
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