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To those who ever shaved their ass-hair...


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I have never experienced thta in my life.


"As if that wasn't enough, I am now enduring further torture. As anyone who has ever shaved anything knows, when hair is first growing in, it comes in as stubble. Imagine your ass having the texture of a brillo pad"

this happens very rarely and only for like one day

Edited by Gamedog
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I have never experienced thta in my life.


"As if that wasn't enough, I am now enduring further torture. As anyone who has ever shaved anything knows, when hair is first growing in, it comes in as stubble. Imagine your ass having the texture of a brillo pad"

this happens very rarely and only for like one day

So I guess I need to time it when that happens. No heavy activities on that day?

I was laughing the entire time reading this!

Also, second what Chryo said. Why not get it waxed?

And what was he doing using a cheap razor to shave his butt? Butts deserve the most pristine of razors :P 

Waxing butts sounds too painful.

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I see, thank you.


One you get it down, youère pretty much good to go

people make pube shaving out to be this horrible chafing thing and its not. i shave my pubes and ass all the time and i dont itch anymore. if you over-shave (Which is pretty common if youre new to it) or dont shave with enough shaving cream/dull razor, you will no doubt get itching but youre retty safe otehrwise

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I've never had problems. I dunno what's wrong with this dude if he's sweating like such a motherfucker. Is the guy morbidly obese or something? Maybe my lack of problems is because hormones have done stuff to my body including hair, I dunno.

Also, how do you wax your butt? I guess it's possible but it sounds difficult and painful. .______.

Personally I use a razor for places that my epilator (same principle as wax, yanks out hair) can't quite reach. I don't trust wax, once upon a time in the long long ago I tried to wax my leg but when I pulled off the strip... the wax was still on my leg.


Edited by Kellie Gator
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LOL it's totally fine to shave your ass Mayo, don't worry. Just take the precautions Volkie mentioned and you should be good

Ass hair are a bitch to shave again if you let them regrow too much, though, so I suggest shaving regularly if you want to keep those cheeks smooth as a baby's bottom and not spend 3 hours reshaving every single fucking time

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I've shaved my bootyhole for as long as I can remember and I've never had a single issue. I wish I could be dipped in hair-be-gone liquid from the neck down and be done with it forever, though. Shaving's a pain. I use Nair on my legs now, but for some reason my arms react to it so I still have to shave them :(

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I've shaved my bootyhole for as long as I can remember and I've never had a single issue. I wish I could be dipped in hair-be-gone liquid from the neck down and be done with it forever, though. Shaving's a pain. I use Nair on my legs now, but for some reason my arms react to it so I still have to shave them :(

Well, there's always laser hair removal, although I'm not sure I'd want lasers that close to certain sensitive areas.

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I'm fortunate enough to be fairly hairless (like no back hair or anything) naturally, so I don't really need to do the ass shaving thing. But I would generally caution against it. When I shaved my front downstairs before (girl in college requested it), it itched like madness when it grew back. The idea of having that feeling all over where you sit for weeks at a time is pretty unpleasant.

That being said, I imagine it's best to have these things done professionally.

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Well, there's always laser hair removal, although I'm not sure I'd want lasers that close to certain sensitive areas.

Laser hair removal is 1,000 times more an involved process than people realize. You can't just go once. It's over and over and over for months. You have to wait like 6 weeks between sessions to get another session done and need 7-10 sessions altogether to get rid of the hair completely. Then the treated skin acts as if it's sunburnt and you get to deal with that, too.

That and egg donation are underestimated in terms of 'what you gotta do'. Everyone always thinks it's such an easy one-stop for some quick cash to 'fall back on' if times get tough. But uh. You have to be on medication for a while beforehand and then there's an invasive surgery and a lot of times lasting complications.

No thanks! 8(

Edited by Lever Puller
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Laser hair removal is 1,000 times more an involved process than people realize. You can't just go once. It's over and over and over for months. You have to wait like 6 weeks between sessions to get another session done and need 7-10 sessions altogether to get rid of the hair completely. Then the treated skin acts as if it's sunburnt and you get to deal with that, too.

I dunno if you mean actual lasers or just IPL, but yeah. Pretty much, I get IPL treatments for the face.

The whole "sunburnt" thing is no problem if you do it on winters and try to keep the body parts you've lazored either covered up or wear sunscreen on the summers.

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For the delicate parts I'd go waxing over shaving. Waxing hurts more but you get better results. I've also heard that the more you do it the more you'll get used to it. Granted this is just based on what I've heard. Me personally, I really like my body fur so I don't shave/wax anything. 

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Got rid of all hair in that general area several months ago and I don't think I'm ever going back. Didn't have any problems when I did it and haven't had any problems since.

I guess the whole things is a lot different for different people, I grow very little body hair anyway so for me it makes sense from an aesthetic point of view and doesn't require that much maintenance anyway.

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Sounds like the dude is fat, back when I used to shave everything the only part that sucked was spending the time to re-shave to avoid stubble.

Eventually I succumbed to laziness and just let everything grow again because keeping yourself hairless when you have the genetic makeup of a pirate viking is a lifestyle in and of itself.

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ITT: Crazy animal people who want to be furry animals want no hairs left on their body.

who is this newfag with 4 posts judging us =v

(hi harb ilu)


Anyways, I've pretty much shaved everything at one point except that specific area. Volk's posts make me feel comfortable with the idea of shaving it now, but.... I don't really have much of a reason to =\ nobody but me's gonna be seeing it for a while

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I've shaved my bootyhole for as long as I can remember and I've never had a single issue. I wish I could be dipped in hair-be-gone liquid from the neck down and be done with it forever, though. Shaving's a pain. I use Nair on my legs now, but for some reason my arms react to it so I still have to shave them :(

oh man, and I thought I was the only one who imagined this scenari, guess Im not special.


I dont think it really matters who you are being all smoof everywhere is kinda nice c: I got nothing against some hair in places though but it does suck when theres just too much

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Just get used to sugaring. Never had a problem ever.


"I [...] attempted to dry my ass off by sticking it in front of a fan [...] a horrible stench burst free [...].
I had it worst of all, as the ripe aroma [...] went into the fan and blew back into my face."

So your face is on your ass?

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That seems like an awful lot of work just to remove some hair.

Not really. Think of it this way:

Making the paste takes ~30 min. Keep in mind that you've to do this only once every 1 or 2 months - depending on how much you make and use, as the paste is reusable.
(Being used to it) the sugaring itself takes around twice as much as shaving.
BUT, you shave a couple of times per week.
Meanwhile you only sugar twice a month or even less.


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