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lmao at the term "Leftist-Fascist"

This quiz had a lot of problems with the way it worded questions. But I basically understood where it was going, and its assessment was basically accurate. I'm a "cosmopolitan social democrat" as well: http://www.politicaltest.net/en/test/result/12322

There was a really well done survey here in Canada that ranked you along 8 political ideology tracks. If I recall, the questions didn't have anything to do with Canada, and it was very reliable (I took it a few times and always got the result "post-materialist left"). It also explained in detail what your results meant, and you could browse the other 7 ideologies at the end. Here it is: http://sentimeter.thestar.com/#/survey

I think there was another popular one called "political compass" but I've never tried it.

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This quiz's questions are way too broad but even so I did it regardless. For ''the lulz''


I'd be a ''patriotic social democrat'', whatever the fuck that means. Personally I think democracy should only be adopted by populations that can handle it. Italians are not amongst them. The only reason why Italy is a democratic country it's because 'Murrica chose so after WW2, and the results are poor to say the least. How can a land that's always been lead by monarchic regimes for freaking CENTURIES suddenly move to an entirely different one? You need a whole different mentality to go along with such a change, it's not something you can do over night. By forcing it, Italy's natural political and ideological evolution has been compromised. It all comes down to compatibility in the end, I guess

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lmao at the term "Leftist-Fascist"

you'd be surprised m8

Fascism is misused as another F-word, I search far and wide to read about fascism. Did you know that fascist and commie movements clashed violently on streets all over the world more than any other political alignment? Both of these groups are looking for the same kind of people - critical of capitalism and democracy. Fascists borrow a lot of things all over the political spectrum. Despite being very authoritarian they have a lot of libertarian ideas, more so than a number of other ideals, especially communism. However fascist polices fuck the shit out of international big businesses, monopolies, and banking cabals.

They considered themselves the "third position" because they attracted a lot of flack from both capitalists and commies despite some of the values they shared. A lot of fash stuff is quite left-oriented. Stuff like nationalistic ideology doesn't sit on the political spectrum. The Soviets were as authoritarian left as you could possibly get, but were (civic) nationalistic as hell.

I often quote or repeat things I read in fascist manifestos when talking about current events. I've quoted Mosley, Mussolini, Zynkyoku, Rockwell, Hitler, and others, and I find a lot of lefty/socialist/SJW types agreeing with me. It's fun to me.

But overall I consider myself generally a bit lefty. I think a government should work for its people first and foremost, but on the other hand I don't believe in welfare state, police state, big government, centralisation, stuff like that. But I guess the test result shows that.

Edited by Sir Gibby
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I agree fascism gets misused and that it attracted a lot of marginalized people from the left and right in the past (Mussolini being a socialist before WWI comes to mind), but as an ideology it's as right wing as it gets (I could unpack this more later but I'm on the go). That's really worrying that a lot of left-leaning people are in agreement with fascist writers, but I could also see that happening if it's one of those populist kinda quotes and the person doesn't understand/know about the author's larger body of work.

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"You are a cosmopolitan Social Democrat. 9 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 1 percent are more extremist than you. "

Apparently I am that, but extremist.

I am not sure how the extremism thing is ranked; there was likely no base for what views are extremely abnormal and they probably just use the number of strong agreements and disagreements.

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A lot of the questions were worded strangely. Not to mention ambiguous. Not sure how accurate this was because of that. Looks like I am off in a completely different direction than most people here according to this "test".

You are a National Liberal Authoritarian. 2 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 54 percent are more extremist than you.


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Questions were a little wonky, but I am unusually nationalistic despite the fact that I'm native to a country that I've grown to be incredibly disenchanted with both politically and culturally. I lean hard to the left when it comes to economic, environmental, and public policies but the territorial and ethnically-conscious human within me roars into plain view whenever someone asks me about my perspectives and viewpoints on immigration, racial integration, and multiculturalism.

Kind of funny how the battery flagged me as a reactionary, though. I dislike the far-right with a burning passion.

Also, militaristic? Weird. I'm actually comparatively pacifistic. I champion national self-defence, but I'm an ardent believer in maintaining a non-interventionist foreign policy.


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You are a Social Democrat.

What's yer hurr-ay, slap a couplah fascists and nationalists on thereuh.


Questions were a little wonky, but I am unusually nationalistic despite the fact that I'm native to a country that I've grown to be incredibly disenchanted with both politically and culturally. I lean hard to the left when it comes to economic, environmental, and public policies but the territorial and ethnically-conscious human within me roars into plain view whenever someone asks me about my perspectives and viewpoints on immigration, racial integration, and multiculturalism.

Kind of funny how the battery flagged me as a reactionary, though. I dislike the far-right with a burning passion.

Also, militaristic? Weird. I'm actually comparatively pacifistic. I champion national self-defence, but I'm an ardent believer in maintaining a non-interventionist foreign policy.

The questions are vague and can be interpreted in too many ways. There was one that asked if you favoured mandatory religious education or something. You could read that as forcing students into practicing Christianity/Islam/whatever or as making students take a course on world religions. I didn't know what they meant so I put neutral, which why I'm a lame fencesitting C.S.D.

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You are a cosmopolitan Social Democrat. 9 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 4 percent are more extremist than you.


Apparently I am pretty extreme, but not the most extreme.  I also find it kind of funny that I am apparently one of the more secular people in this thread despite numerous times in the past arguing with others how I feel that faith can be useful.

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I also find it kind of funny that I am apparently one of the more secular people in this thread despite numerous times in the past arguing with others how I feel that faith can be useful.

You can find faith useful without feeling it has to be an integral part of any government.

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A patriotic and authoritarian socialist... What does that even mean? I just picked the answers about religion being kicked out...

But judging by the graph I am mostly secular and a visionary (d'uh ;D), but communistic? I am just in favor of higher taxes for rich people and making sure that people with lower incomes can actually live properly! That makes me a commie? Huh...

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A patriotic and authoritarian socialist... What does that even mean? I just picked the answers about religion being kicked out...

But judging by the graph I am mostly secular and a visionary (d'uh ;D), but communistic? I am just in favor of higher taxes for rich people and making sure that people with lower incomes can actually live properly! That makes me a commie? Huh...

Do you believe that economic possibilities shape the society? YOU MARXIST!

Also: HAHA! I outscore you on the secular-fundamentalist scale.

cosmopolitan Social Democrat

I would like to use this moment to call the german Social Democrat Party (SPD) a bunch of cunts.



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But... BUT! I am the biggest atheist dick there is! How can this be?! D:

And I don't really care about the economy, I just want the government to ensure that life is fair for everyone when it comes to income, and at the moment that simply isn't the case. It's working out pretty well here in Germany, but when I look at America it gets more obvious.

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But judging by the graph I am mostly secular and a visionary (d'uh ;D), but communistic? I am just in favor of higher taxes for rich people and making sure that people with lower incomes can actually live properly! 

Well, that IS literally "From each according to his ability (with rich being much more able to earn money), to each according to his needs (lower incomes being more needy)."

Hah! I'm the only straight up Liberal here so far :D By the way, I didn't find the questions very vague or conflicting at all. "Should people be forced to..." No.

You are a Liberal. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 1 percent are more extremist than you.


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I reject its contrast of ecological and anthropocentric. What if people are why I want to protect the environment? We kind of live in it.

I reject it for the same but opposite reason. What if allowing people to live in their environment the way they want will lead to people protecting their environment because they live in it?

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Idk what most of this shit means, because I don't even politic.

But here: National Democratic Socialist

You're Abradolf Lincler.

Well, that IS literally "From each according to his ability (with rich being much more able to earn money), to each according to his needs (lower incomes being more needy)."

Hah! I'm the only straight up Liberal here so far :D By the way, I didn't find the questions very vague or conflicting at all. "Should people be forced to..." No.

You are a Liberal. 6 percent of the test participators are in the same category and 1 percent are more extremist than you.

More like Lieberal Deathocrat.

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The quiz is garbage. Whilst a lot of the questions within it do make you think, a lot of them do not really work well when you ask someone to provide a quantitative answer. If perhaps where were multiple choice per question answers that were specific to a question that would work better.

Anyways, I'm a Cosmopolitan Social Democrat.



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