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Guy gets violent at me for petting his dog

Crazy Lee

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I was at a gas station getting gas in one of the somewhat more run down suburbs of Detroit. I see this cute little dog in someone's car, sticking it's head out and barking at people. I come up carefully, let the dog sniff me, and he licks me and lets me pet him a little.

Immediately I hear someone yelling and cussing at me, running up to me aggressively, arms up in a boxer's stance like he wants to fight. Over 6 feet tall, lanky, light-skinned african american, and he was cussing me out, threatening to beat me up. Told me to leave his car and dog alone. I tried to explain that I was just socializing with his dog but he would hear nothing of it, even though my hands were up in a non-threatening way. He kept threatening to kick my ass and telling me to leave his dog alone. Typical thug shit.

Fearing for my safety I called the police and took refuge in the convenience store. The guy left. The police took WAY too long to get there (probably a good reason to own a gun, what's that saying? "When seconds count the cops are 20 minutes away"?). They couldn't do much, even though he had threatened me no one was hurt. They just took my story and info down. 

This reminds me of the time earlier this year when I gently bumped someone's car. It belonged to a black guy in his 40s or 50s, and he too threatened to kick my ass over it.


So, for all these times blacks are shot by police, which sucks when it happens, and in some cases is not justified, where's all the protests over young black men being violent and killing each other and others in urban locations. These idiots block entire fucking highways as if that will do shit. They don't do that over gang warfare. They don't do that when blacks are killing each other and bystanders in gang warfare. They just ignore it.

I don't know what the fuck's up with it, but if some urban blacks overreact over the smallest things, and think that violence solves every one of their problems, then they are the problem. What if the guys above would have beat me up? Then they would either be shot by cops, or in prison, and they'd blame racism and the fucking system and not the fact they used violence to solve minor problems. If your response to a lot of things is to be aggressive it's not racism, it's your own damn fault for not acting like a rational human.

I'm glad those issues didn't get worse but I'm tired of being worried of getting my ass kicked by some black male because parts of the Detroit metro area are shit and are filled with violent shit people who solve everything with violence and the whole fucking place needs to be cleaned with nuclear fire. And fuck violent black men (but not the non-violent ones in case some PC liberal whines).

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Just now, 6tails said:

Wear a trench coat, carry a black handle with a red button on it. Next time someone threatens to kick your ass, pull out said red button from trench coat pocket and scream ALLAH ACKBAR! as you walk towards them.

I'm not arab/my beard isn't bushy enough to do that.

I could always act trenchcoat emo mass shooter type.

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1 hour ago, Crazy Lee said:

He kept threatening to kick my ass and telling me to leave his dog alone. Typical thug shit.

honestly if some random person came up to my car and started petting my dog I'd be kind of upset too. guess I'm just a typical thug then..

1 hour ago, Crazy Lee said:

So, for all these times blacks are shot by police, which sucks when it happens, and in some cases is not justified, where's all the protests over young black men being violent and killing each other and others in urban locations. These idiots block entire fucking highways as if that will do shit. They don't do that over gang warfare. They don't do that when blacks are killing each other and bystanders in gang warfare. They just ignore it.


1 hour ago, Crazy Lee said:

I don't know what the fuck's up with it, but if some urban blacks overreact over the smallest things, and think that violence solves every one of their problems, then they are the problem. What if the guys above would have beat me up? Then they would either be shot by cops, or in prison, and they'd blame racism and the fucking system and not the fact they used violence to solve minor problems. If your response to a lot of things is to be aggressive it's not racism, it's your own damn fault for not acting like a rational human.

I'm glad those issues didn't get worse but I'm tired of being worried of getting my ass kicked by some black male because parts of the Detroit metro area are shit and are filled with violent shit people who solve everything with violence and the whole fucking place needs to be cleaned with nuclear fire. And fuck violent black men (but not the non-violent ones in case some PC liberal whines).


not today, Satan. not today

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34 minutes ago, Enigma said:

You probably should have asked permission to touch someone's dog, in their car...

Also some people don't listen to reason and just need a good ass kicking. Race is a factor of what area you're in, and Detroit sucks.

Wait this happened in Detroit?

OP are you like, suicidal or something? Like what the fuck is wrong with you?

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Why would you ever walk up to someone's car in a rundown area of a city?
That's just asking for shit.

Dude probably thought you were looking for an excuse to scope out or break into his car, and honestly, I don't fucking blame him.
That's some high-caliber ignorance, right there. You're lucky you didn't get shot.

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2 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

If your response to a lot of things is to be aggressive it's not racism, it's your own damn fault for not acting like a rational human.

I'm glad those issues didn't get worse but I'm tired of being worried of getting my ass kicked by some black male because parts of the Detroit metro area are shit and are filled with violent shit people who solve everything with violence and the whole fucking place needs to be cleaned with nuclear fire. And fuck violent black men (but not the non-violent ones in case some PC liberal whines).

Rational response.



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I love that this thread is basically just OP admitting to being stupid, entitled, and slightly racist.

Top notch thread, mate. 


Don't touch other people's dogs without permission and don't approach people's cars randomly, you donut.

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5 hours ago, Crazy Lee said:

I was at a gas station getting gas in one of the somewhat more run down suburbs of Detroit. I see this cute little dog in someone's car, sticking it's head out and barking at people. I come up carefully, let the dog sniff me, and he licks me and lets me pet him a little.


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5 hours ago, willow said:

honestly if some random person came up to my car and started petting my dog I'd be kind of upset too. guess I'm just a typical thug then..


4 hours ago, Vae said:

Dude probably thought you were looking for an excuse to scope out or break into his car, and honestly, I don't fucking blame him.
That's some high-caliber ignorance, right there. You're lucky you didn't get shot.


4 hours ago, Zeke said:

If you came up to my dog in my car, I'd cut you thinking that you were trying to steal my dog.

What the hell? You city folk sure aren't very friendly. Sounds like you like in some shit holes.

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You talk like he and two of his boys pulled out some AK's on you. But from the looks of it, the dude didn't even touch you. And you actually called the cops over this? LMAO

(Though if I had to be 100%, this thread reeks of "Shit that never happened". But that is just me.)


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I'll admit, if I see a dog on the sidewalk or just walking/standing around and I don't see an owner, I'll pet him. I can understand the prospect of petting a random dog. And if there is an owner, and the owner of the dog is someone I know and am familiar with, I'll pet him. The familiarity means there's a trust between me and the other person, so there's nothing to worry about. But if a dog is with a random stranger? I think its important to ask permission. Its his dog. That'd be messing with the property of random strangers. People don't like that. But still, going a step further and petting someone's dog without permission that's in someone's car? In the middle of an urban city? You don't think that looks the least bit suspicious/concerning?

Consider this: What if you had a house, and in the living room of that house you had a plant on the edge of the window. And let's say you opened the windows of your house to let air in, and then left for a bit for some reason. You weren't going to be gone long, so you weren't worried. And let's say that when you returned, someone was right at the window of your home touching that plant right alongside your open window. Wouldn't that make you worried about what he was doing? Wouldn't you find that suspicious? Even if they said something like "Don't worry about it. I just wanted to see this plant." This is similar. Animals are people's property. Vehicles are people's property.  You were touching people's property without permission.

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2 hours ago, Another Ampers& said:

where do you live that you don't have to worry about your car getting broken into just out of curiosity asking for a friend

A rural town in bumfuck Canada full of old people. We still have thefts to worry about, but if I were to go pet somebody's dog in a parking lot there's a good chance I wouldn't be threatened to get my ass kicked or have a knife pulled on me. Maybe if I were REALLY sketchy looking, or it was dark out.

I never do it out of courtesy though because I never know if the person would be happy with me petting their dog.

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2 hours ago, LowPitchFart said:

What the hell? You city folk sure aren't very friendly. Sounds like you like in some shit holes.

It's called being the most base sense of self-preserving and situationally aware.

You don't go walking around the streets in the ghetto at night, unarmed, piss drunk, expecting nothing to happen.
You don't walk up to people's cars and start messing with their shit, expecting nothing to happen.
You don't leave a bunch of meat and food outside when you camp in the mountains in bear territory expecting nothing to happen.
You don't go eating random things off the ground expecting nothing to happen.

This is some common sense bullshit.

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I love how everyone is acting like there isn't extreme cultural overtones of violence ingrained into most urban black males who do that whole "thug life" business. I am also convinced that BLM has been overtaken by black militants who turn a blind eye to all the black on black crime and the fact that black culture is filled to the brim.with messages of violence,racism, and money at the expense of others suffering. But whatever, jerk away you knee brigade fags.

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26 minutes ago, Azure said:

I love how everyone is acting like there isn't extreme cultural overtones of violence ingrained into most urban black males who do that whole "thug life" business. I am also convinced that BLM has been overtaken by black militants who turn a blind eye to all the black on black crime and the fact that black culture is filled to the brim.with messages of violence,racism, and money at the expense of others suffering. But whatever, jerk away you knee brigade fags.

No one is even really talking about that (as true a point as it may be).

We're all just caught up on how fundamentally retarded of an idea touching other people's pets without their permission is.

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17 minutes ago, PastryOfApathy said:

No one is even really talking about that (as true a point as it may be).

We're all just caught up on how fundamentally retarded of an idea touching other people's pets without their permission is.

Especially in a run-down area of Detroit, of all places.

It takes a special breed of pants-on-head stupidity to not be able to sit and assess this beforehand, and go "You know what? Maybe this is a bad idea."

Cultural criticism can only go so far when you're also doing some dumb ass shit, yourself.

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But does anyone think that the show of violence when there is no imminent danger or threats being made was appropriate reaction? I pet random dogs frequently and nobody ever tried to gorilla up on me. Maybe it's because they feel the danger :v

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1 minute ago, Azure said:

But does anyone think that the show of violence when there is no imminent danger or threats being made was appropriate reaction? I pet random dogs frequently and nobody ever tried to gorilla up on me. Maybe it's because they feel the danger :v

Are you at a rundown gas station in Detroit?

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There might be a bit of a cultural gap here but I think petting a dog - even a strangers one - isn't that terrible.

I never had a person getting all up and wanting to fight over such a thing. The most close to that was a guy saying something along the lines of: "Please don't, she can be very rundown-gas-station-in-Detroit-ish". The wording might differ.

I even came out of the a store once to see a dog being very upset of the owner leaving, so I started talking to him and petting him.

When the owner - a very old lady - came out she was overly thankful for keeping an eye out, telling me the dogs name - I think it was tommi or tom or roni or something like that - and continued to tell me how she fought dinosaurs together with Hitler in the good ol' days and how bad all those new negroes are who continue coming to us since the great wall of china fell ... and ... stuff like that.


Approaching a car with an open window on the other hand is actually a bad idea. In Wolfsburg people are going to rip out your throat with their fucking gear shift if you look at it the wrong way (or alternatively aren't at 5000 rpm as soon as the traffic lights change from red to yellow). No but True but seriously, I don't think he even tought of the dog all too much. If you live in an area that is already very hostile as a rundown gas station in Detroit seems to be just don't go up to peoples stuff.

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45 minutes ago, Azure said:

But does anyone think that the show of violence when there is no imminent danger or threats being made was appropriate reaction? 

no. But I'm also not stupid enough to just go up to a random person's car and start petting their dog just in case they do

I wonder if OP runs up into people's yards to pet their dogs too

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If you tried to pet my dog in my car I'd get super mad and yell at you, even though I normally don't confront people.

My car is my property and my dog is my family. It's akin to you coming into my backyard and trying to play with my kids without my permission. 

As someone who has met you in person though, I think you might try to do that too.

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49 minutes ago, Azure said:

But does anyone think that the show of violence when there is no imminent danger or threats being made was appropriate reaction? I pet random dogs frequently and nobody ever tried to gorilla up on me. Maybe it's because they feel the danger :v

Except that it's someone's car,
in the ghetto,
in fucking Detroit.

Considering how much theft goes on in places like that, I guarantee it was less "Don't touch my dog!" and more "What the fuck are you doing to my car?!"

As it would be with anyone who's even remotely conscious of their location, and what can easily happen in situations like that.

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1 hour ago, Azure said:

But does anyone think that the show of violence when there is no imminent danger or threats being made was appropriate reaction? I pet random dogs frequently and nobody ever tried to gorilla up on me. Maybe it's because they feel the danger :v

True. I agree with both your statements actually. It's mainly just that this is an issue of common sense and awareness. Not so much contesting aggression among urban black culture. The guy didn't need to flip out, sure, but that was the risk Lee took when he decided to mess with some strangers loved one unwarranted while they weren't immediately around. Especially around their car. I'd have sympathized if the dude actually got physical because unless Lee hurt the dog, that's crossing the line. But that doesn't appear to be the case. 

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1 minute ago, MissFleece said:

As someone who has met you in person though, I think you might try to do that too.

I've met Lee in person and I can't really describe how uncomfortable he is, and I already had an idea of what he'd be like. Imagine being some normie that had no forewarning, and you see this lumbering man child reaching into your car harassing your dog. TBH the cops should have been called on OP for bothering someone else's property / suspicious behavior. On top of harassing someone OP also wasted police resources in an already strained city. 


>b-but blacks are mean

No you're just fucking retarded


6 minutes ago, Vae said:

in the ghetto,
in fucking Detroit.

 I'm pretty sure Lee is from the area so the lack of situational awareness is fucking astounding 

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3 minutes ago, Brazen said:

I've met Lee in person and I can't really describe how uncomfortable he is, and I already had an idea of what he'd be like. Imagine being some normie that had no forewarning, and you see this lumbering man child reaching into your car harassing your dog. TBH the cops should have been called on OP for bothering someone else's property / suspicious behavior. On top of harassing someone OP also wasted police resources in an already strained city. 


>b-but blacks are mean

No you're just fucking retarded


 I'm pretty sure Lee is from the area so the lack of situational awareness is fucking astounding 

Ohhhhhhh harsh! 

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Isn't it a bit rude to start pulling out personal anecdotes outside of this thread on a person's character to defame them and otherwise hurt them around others?

Yeah, I think people should leave personal experiences with Lee out of it. Its rather unnescessary.


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7 hours ago, LowPitchFart said:



What the hell? You city folk sure aren't very friendly. Sounds like you like in some shit holes.

I've defended myself against potential rapists and muggers. I am not nice to anyone to intends to do harm or trespasses on my property.

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3 minutes ago, 6tails said:

You might want to take a second look at the population around here. These are the people that like to talk shit about people behind their backs like cowards. *coughDISCORDcough* I'm more surprised any of them actually got the balls to do it outright in the thread despite a FUCKING RULE EXISTING THAT STATES NO PERSONAL ATTACKS.


He's lashing out! Everyone run for your lives! Save the forum!

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3 minutes ago, 6tails said:

You might want to take a second look at the population around here. These are the people that like to talk shit about people behind their backs like cowards. *coughDISCORDcough* I'm more surprised any of them actually got the balls to do it outright in the thread despite a FUCKING RULE EXISTING THAT STATES NO PERSONAL ATTACKS.

Thaaat was my concern.


Im aware OP's thread was terrible, but adding more flame is awful.


Im highly against gossip and speaking negatively about others behind their back in a frequent sense to promote further damage. Im just calling it out because thats what I see

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2 minutes ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

Thaaat was my concern.


Im aware OP's thread was terrible, but adding more flame is awful.


Im highly against gossip and speaking negatively about others behind their back in a frequent sense to promote further damage. Im just calling it out because thats what I see

People gossip the most about the bass.

Fishacution is an epidemic. 

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18 minutes ago, 6tails said:

You might want to take a second look at the population around here. These are the people that like to talk shit about people behind their backs like cowards. *coughDISCORDcough* I'm more surprised any of them actually got the balls to do it outright in the thread despite a FUCKING RULE EXISTING THAT STATES NO PERSONAL ATTACKS.



I don't know anyone that intimately or have any ill will to attack another user.

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25 minutes ago, 6tails said:

You might want to take a second look at the population around here. These are the people that like to talk shit about people behind their backs like cowards. *coughDISCORDcough* I'm more surprised any of them actually got the balls to do it outright in the thread despite a FUCKING RULE EXISTING THAT STATES NO PERSONAL ATTACKS.

Brazen'll light up anyone. 

Dude's always been a savage. lol

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40 minutes ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

Isn't it a bit rude to start pulling out personal anecdotes outside of this thread on a person's character to defame them and otherwise hurt them around others?

Yeah, I think people should leave personal experiences with Lee out of it. Its rather unnescessary.

First hand testimonial of a person's character is very important in determining how full of shit they are. If you've met him in person, or even online you'd understand that Lee is prone to: sketchy tard behavior, unwarranted racism, lack of boundaries, and countless other spergisms.


47 minutes ago, Zeke said:

I am not nice to anyone to intends to do harm or trespasses on my property.

This. OP was trespassing and deserves to get beat up. OP also deserves to get beat up for being a racist. The guy wasn't responding with violence because he was black, he was responding with violence because Lee was breaking the law. 

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