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Fat People


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I have no problem with people who are overweight, but I can't really respect giant weights. These are people who end up as 300lbs monsters and don't think there's a problem, or have the willpower to even try to do something about it. They make any excuse. They become people who look to someone at the top of the mountain, but instead of thinking of joining them up there or at least getting closer, they ground themselves and insist that where they are is the real top.

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As someone with a high metabolism who is incapable of gaining weight, I sympathize with people who cant live as I do and still be rail thin. Im just lucky, fat people have to work hard to get to a state that is more healthy looking.

I dont really mind fat people that much, yeah its unhealthy, but they know. I wont be the 109th person to complain theyre fat. But Im not going to deny it isnt unhealthy and that they could be less lazy, too.

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http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/sep/11/fat-shaming-lose-weight-study Fat shaming doesn't help people lose weight

http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-12/cp-sci112515.php Sperm carries info on dad's weight

http://brentmcferran.com/Brent_McFerran/Papers_files/jppm%20final.pdf Body acceptance cues linked to unhealthy behaviors

http://news.meta.com/2015/11/19/cell-nutrition-is-personal-identical-foods-produce-healthy-and-unhealthy-responses-in-different-individuals/ Identical foods produce different responses in different people

So, it's complicated.

But, If I had a quarter for every time someone complained to me about their weight while chugging down their third soda that day, I could become a pinball wizard. That's definitely a major pet peeve for me.


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What makes me really sad is when I see people feed their kids tons of crap, and don't encourage them to exercise or be active.

I realize there are some complex socioeconomic factors at work here, but there's a difference in my mind between trying to order the "healthiest" items at McDonalds because it's what you can afford, and actively stuffing Doritos and Pepsi into your kid's chubby maw every time they make a peep.

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I actually struggle to keep my weight, I lose weight very quickly and it's really unhealthy for me. I build myself up chubby because A. I have to for the sake of my health and B. I'm happy with the way my body is when I'm bigger.

I've lost 12 pounds since I moved and it makes me feel horrible.

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When I was in between houses, I gained about 5lbs

The weight gain was due to eating like shit (Wendy's, McDonalds, and chinese buffet on the regular) and driving everywhere
To lose the weight, I ate better and walked everywhere

Maybe I have Thin Privilege Jeans but I honestly don't think that most people who complain about weight are actually.. moving much

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I complain about being too skinny. My metabolism is fucked up the butt, so if I don't cram my face full of fattening junk I end up becoming really low on energy and blood sugar. I really need to gain that weight back, when I was larger I had a lot more energy and strength. Doesn't matter to my body whether I eat healthy or shitty, I just have to keep eating something.

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44 minutes ago, Lucyfish said:

I complain about being too skinny. My metabolism is fucked up the butt, so if I don't cram my face full of fattening junk I end up becoming really low on energy and blood sugar. I really need to gain that weight back, when I was larger I had a lot more energy and strength. Doesn't matter to my body whether I eat healthy or shitty, I just have to keep eating something.

I have a fast metabolism too, and "fattening junk" does nothing good for your blood sugar. there's a reason diabetics don't go eating pizza and icecream.
When I get low blood sugar I'll go and eat one donut from Tims. If blood sugar levels are a dire and repeating concern for you, I'd wager a guess and say that it's probably beetus due to weight.

W.e the case is re: where you want to be, the basis is still the same:
- lack of exercise + fattening food = weight gain
- exercise + healthy eating = weight loss

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5 hours ago, jcstinks said:

They almost never actually use the Lunk Alarm, most Planet Fitness locations have never activated it. They do prefer to ask people to stop making a scene rather than make a bigger scene themselves!

The Lunk Alarm is there as part of a branding effort to position PF as a place for out-of-shape people, specifically. They do this because out-of-shape people are intimidated by in-shape people! Fit folks are rightfully annoyed by the presence of an alarm that targets them, and therefore, will be more likely to choose a proper gym over PF.

Oh I understand that completely.

The fact that even exists at all and that I've seen it in action with my own two very fucking eyes is inexcusable.

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26 minutes ago, Gamedog said:

W.e the case is re: where you want to be, the basis is still the same:
- lack of exercise + fattening food = weight gain
- exercise + healthy eating = weight loss

That isn't always the case though. I don't eat healthy (which I am working on) and I don't exercise, yet I still drop pounds like flies. I don't really know what to do about my weight loss problem other than try to eat what I can to keep the weight. The fact that I lose weight so easily causes various health problems for me, and the only way I know to combat them is by fattening myself back up.

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10 hours ago, Sir Gibby said:

I have no problem with people who are overweight, but I can't really respect giant weights. These are people who end up as 300lbs monsters and don't think there's a problem, or have the willpower to even try to do something about it. They make any excuse. They become people who look to someone at the top of the mountain, but instead of thinking of joining them up there or at least getting closer, they ground themselves and insist that where they are is the real top.

Perhaps they hope that if they get fat enough they become their own mountain.

5 hours ago, Lucyfish said:

That isn't always the case though. I don't eat healthy (which I am working on) and I don't exercise, yet I still drop pounds like flies. I don't really know what to do about my weight loss problem other than try to eat what I can to keep the weight. The fact that I lose weight so easily causes various health problems for me, and the only way I know to combat them is by fattening myself back up.

Might be parasites living in the gut among other things.

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God, the attitude some folks at school about their fat is disgusting.*

Like, I don't care when folks are fat. I'm a little grossed out when I hear someone eat and listen to heavy breathing, but that's bout it. There's been talk of a club developing to ENCOURAGE eating and "big is healthy too" kind of thing. HAES, and what have you. I have been not-so-subtly told that I'm betraying the fat community by dieting (which is really just cutting my portions drastically and snacking little bit through out the day instead of gigantic carb tastic meals). Its just.. I don't care if you're fat or not. No skin off of my nose. I'm like with Clay on this when I don't care until you make it something I have to care about (IE bringing it up to my face)

I of course, however, disagree in the movement found on reddit niches and whathaveyou that people need to put energy in shaming and bullying "hams", as the term goes. Shaming as in taking creepshots and posting em online, then gathering around and making fun of em. That's not being good to your fellow man. After a certain point, we gotta accept that sometimes, people just don't want to fucking do anything about it and we (ideally) would leave em alone about it. We all know that it won't go down like that. 

*(Disclaimer, I'm fat. From 0-18 I would be punished if I didn't eat 2-3 plates at all meals. My fat is a life long familial habit. Currently working very hard to lose weight to be normal human sized, which includes tackling my entire attitude with food.)



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Yeah I'm not s fan of picking on or bullying people for being fat

ehat I can't stand is what Lemon explained -- HAES

Its totally cool to be happy with your body ,but this HAES shit needs to end. I've see these people call doctors ableist/"fat phobic" because they sometimes refuse to do surgery on an obese person. 

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I once dropped 50 pounds in half a year or so just by resolving to eat less. Busy schedule back then didn't really allow me to exercise at all.  I seem to have become incapable of gaining weight, though. Have been the same for...4 or 5 years?

It was great. Or maybe not. People give me a hard time because I'm too skinny now :T

I've known some people who seemed clueless as to why they're not losing any weight when they're eating all of the healthy stuffs...but, dearie...you're not gonna lose weight eating 12 apples and a salad a day.

I dooo feel a lot better about myself than back when I was chubby, though.

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Well, and I actually like fat guys with minimal body hair, but the 300 lb+ guys I've dated have also been intelligent, interesting, neat, and clean. They didn't take being fat as a cue to just give up and stop caring.

What I can't stand is when someone is fat and slovenly.

My sense is that when you've got a stigmatized body type, or otherwise aren't considered conventionally attractive, you've unfortunately got to work to show people that you're not just dumb, ugly, and dirty by default, even if you only want to make a neutral impression.

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2 hours ago, Troj said:

My sense is that when you've got a stigmatized body type, or otherwise aren't considered conventionally attractive, you've unfortunately got to work to show people that you're not just dumb, ugly, and dirty by default, even if you only want to make a neutral impression.

I've heard this one a few times: "If they're so smart they wouldn't be so fat."

Such a fallacious and ignorant argument.

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1 hour ago, Newt said:

I've heard this one a few times: "If they're so smart they wouldn't be so fat."

Such a fallacious and ignorant argument.

Exactly. (And weirdly, I've never heard anyone say that about people who are too thin or are otherwise unhealthy.)

Fat people are commonly assumed to be less clean, less conscientious, and less intelligent than thin people, just because they're fat. There have even been studies proving that most people harbor these basic beliefs without even being aware of it.

Similarly, people subconsciously use attractiveness as a barometer for moral uprightness, which is why the heroes and heroines of classic stories are usually beautiful, and the villains are often physically grotesque, deformed, bizarre, or otherwise unsexy.

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A friend of mine trolls the fat acceptance groups a lot since she grew up in a family that has a history of Obesity. They pretty much bullied her because she was giving into society's standards of beauty instead of doing it so she does not get diabetes by the time she's 30. Diabetes isn't a joke. heart disease isn't a joke, either..

I've also been bullied by Fat Acceptance peeps for being a skinny fuck as well. I eat junk from time to time, but my family also has a history of heart disease, so controlling what I do ingest is also important for me. That, and I have a high metabolism, so gaining weight is next to impossible due to constantly burning calories.

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I'm not fat, but I'm almost going down that path. I've been taking walks a lot more lately, even though winter is horrible, it's been helping a bit. I'm probably going to stop drinking pop for a while since I've been drinking way too much. I don't wanna be squishy.


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20 hours ago, Barnectomy said:

For the really obese people out there, how the fuck do they wipe?

I'll be the judge of that!

they dont/cant wipe, which is why they smell

i however, can wipe, and choose not to, because to post shit one must become shit

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im fat on purpose because I like it.

same reasons why people get

  • dildos
  • ball gags
  • bdsm gear
  • ect.

people do what people will like, I know what im doing is unhealthy, but you only live once, everyone dies, why not enjoy it the way you want to if it doesn't physically harm others?

along with me doing it on purpose, there's the obvious medical reasons for a lot of people that some others have pointed out or 100% genetic, hell I hit 280 in junior high before my "interests" were even a thing and I was eating healthy.


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1 hour ago, Draconas said:

people do what people will like, I know what im doing is unhealthy, but you only live once, everyone dies, why not enjoy it the way you want to if it doesn't physically harm others?

Purposefully harming your own personal health does ultimately affect those who care about you, and it does ultimately affect *you*.

Smokers who get cancer generally have families or friends who care about them - and I'm sure plenty of them told the person to quit already. "It's what I like and I'm not harming anyone" seems hardly like a solid argument, especially once they/their family/society is paying for the chemotherapy, and their loved ones are worrying for their health.

There are plenty of other fetishes out there - trust me. Don't hurt yourself over something so insubstantial.

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15 minutes ago, kazooie said:

Purposefully harming your own personal health does ultimately affect those who care about you, and it does ultimately affect *you*.

Smokers who get cancer generally have families or friends who care about them - and I'm sure plenty of them told the person to quit already. "It's what I like and I'm not harming anyone" seems hardly like a solid argument, especially once they/their family/society is paying for the chemotherapy, and their loved ones are worrying for their health.

There are plenty of other fetishes out there - trust me. Don't hurt yourself over something so insubstantial.

not like im going entirely overboard with it

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1 hour ago, Draconas said:

im fat on purpose because I like it.

same reasons why people get

  • dildos
  • ball gags
  • bdsm gear
  • ect.

people do what people will like, I know what im doing is unhealthy, but you only live once, everyone dies, why not enjoy it the way you want to if it doesn't physically harm others?

along with me doing it on purpose, there's the obvious medical reasons for a lot of people that some others have pointed out or 100% genetic, hell I hit 280 in junior high before my "interests" were even a thing and I was eating healthy.


Your one life is short and precious, so I don't know why people would deliberately make themselves unhealthy. Deliberately developing health problems isn't harmless for other people, because there are only a finite number of doctors, and the more time they spend nursing people with self-made conditions, the less time they are able to spend helping people who have been made ill by no fault of their own. :\ 

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