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Trans people preying on girls in bathrooms oh my!!!

Crazy Lee

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This has been all over the news, but in Houston, there was a law called HERO, which was voted down in last Tuesday's election by the socially conservative right. The purpose of the law was to protect people from discrimination. Yet, because it had protections for gays and transgenders, it was a threat to the fundie right. They defeated it by a simple message: that it would allow men to go into women's bathrooms and rape women. Even though there is NO EVIDENCE this has ever happened.

Once again the (a)moral right acts like trans people are just "men with wigs on". Once again, the right LIES and uses paranoia and fear to get their way. This seems to be a tactic the right uses all the time... stir up paranoia and you can get people to vote any way you want. The Muslims are going to enact Islamic law BE AFRAID. Jade Helm will take away you and your guns BE AFRAID. Gay scout leaders will molest your children BE AFRAID. Trans people will rape people in bathrooms BE AFRAID. The Jews will take away all your money let's gas them.. oh wait....

The party of fear.

And don't even get me started on all the shit I've heard from right wing talk trying to be "logical" about this shit.

Jared Woodfill, a spokesman for the main coalition against the ordinance, the Campaign for Houston, said that the focus on bathrooms had emerged from strategic deliberations more than a year ago, and that the coalition had tested its effectiveness through polls. “When we polled it, it was clearly a message that resonated,” said Mr. Woodfill, a former chairman of the Harris County Republican Party.

Yep. Let's figure out whatever lie will get the people afraid and voting the way we want them to. Has anyone else noticed how the right always frames it on a "protect the kids" or "protect the family" issue?


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I'm still proud of my former town in Florida voting down a similar referendum to eliminate an anti-discrimination ordinance. 

The whole thing is disgusting mess. Eliminating the anti-discrimination law would be bad enough, but the supporters of these initiatives basically use the trope of "MtF transgender people are sexual predators" as a political rallying point. And for off-season ballot times it works, because the people who turn out to vote skew overwhelmingly old.

Hopefully many businesses will react by vocally avoiding Houston as a future location for conferences and meetings, as they've done with other locales that have voted for discriminatory measures. Money going down the drain is the only thing some people understand.

Edited by Onnes
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It's far worse that what you think: people purposely use these sorts of things purely as to shield to hide their hatred from others. It's like a game of codewords. Find something that meets the same goal without directly hating/discriminating and then hide behind that. The leaders think up the codeword and the followers repeat it without reason to signal their mutual agreement with their leader's hatred. There is no fear.

It's not just Texas or social conservatives, either. This sort of word play is pervasive among the entire species, inspired by different subjects for different people.

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are you implying that the left doesn't use fear-mongering tactics?

whether or not it's true i think we still come back to the fundamental point that the deliberated slander of another group on a lack of evidence is a continuous issue. this is a clear example of where the far right exhibits this

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For me, the absolutely horrifying and disgusting thing is that HERO, from my understanding, was meant to extend to 9 protected classes of people. But no, because TRANNIES IN MAH BAFROOMS, we've got to reject legal protection for everybody.

Of course, if anyone were to refuse service to a Christian--or even tell a Christian to just generally pound sand--THEN we'd have a civil liberties crisis on our hands.



Edited by Troj
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For me, the absolutely horrifying and disgusting thing is that HERO, from my understanding, was meant to extend to 9 protected classes of people. But no, because TRANNIES IN MAH BAFROOMS, we've got to reject legal protection for everybody.

Of course, if anyone were to refuse service to a Christian--or even tell a Christian to just generally pound sand--THEN we'd have a civil liberties crisis on our hands.



someone should do that tbh and then maybe they'll reconsider it :^)

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I guess it's more about how if you're outed as trans in a bathroom, you can legally be kicked out, which is discrimination.

The law would prevent that.

Maybe someone should tell these politicians that having someone check their genitals, is like, totally gay. Faced with being called gay or letting everyone happily take a shit will either make their heads explode, or let legislation like this pass in the future.

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What exactly bars the average trans person from just walking into their desired privies? ID stops?

If they're clocked or someone otherwise knows that they are trans, the person who knows could out them.  In schools and workplaces and the like one could be barred from using their preferred restroom.  In some places they could even be arrested.

Not here in Canada mind you.  Because Canada doesn't suck. :)

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If they're clocked or someone otherwise knows that they are trans, the person who knows could out them.  In schools and workplaces and the like one could be barred from using their preferred restroom.  In some places they could even be arrested.

Not here in Canada mind you.  Because Canada doesn't suck. :)

Ah, I see. I can imagine spiteful people doing that.

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What exactly bars the average trans person from just walking into their desired privies? ID stops?

The threat of being beat up if you don't pass








Get lost, XoPachi. You whine and cower whenever someone doesn't agree with your dumb, libtard views. You freak out whenever someone disagrees with you. You are ridiculous.

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I overheard a convo at the college cafeteria (okay, I was straight eavesdropping) and one guy was telling the group that he walked into women's restrooms claiming to be trans so he could simply be a perf and a weirdo. Trans-claiming is a double-edged sword. I'm sure (well hope) that men and women going into opposite restrooms is not common but I'm sure it happens more than we realize. There isn't a real solution to it. Unisex restrooms have the same problem.

People just need to find ways to protect themselves and avoid trouble when they can. If they are getting crap (lol) for going to a bathroom that they don't look the part, then just use the other one, not like one is batter than the other. Unlike black/white only bathrooms where the white only was cleaned and the colored bathrooms where never cleaned.

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How about you get lost and suck somewhere else?

All I'm doing is voicing my opinion. I don't come into this thread and immediately tell people to stop talking. If that's something that you do (which is what XoPachi did here, immediately), then he's better off somewhere else where that sort of thing is tolerated -- no -- encouraged.

That sort of thing is more suited for Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. I'm interested in having a discussion about this, not immediately being told to silence myself because someone disagrees with my opinion. I thought we left that sort of argument tactic back in gradeschool!

Huh! What about that.

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If you're trying to argue the value of conservative political positions, then I'm pretty sure a thread about conservative political operatives using widespread fear and bigotry towards transgender individuals as a means to strike down a broad anti-discrimination measure is the last place you'd want to place that argument. Unless you're a masochist or engaging in a false flag maneuver.

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If you're trying to argue the value of conservative political positions, then I'm pretty sure a thread about conservative political operatives using widespread fear and bigotry towards transgender individuals as a means to strike down a broad anti-discrimination measure is the last place you'd want to place that argument. Unless you're a masochist or engaging in a false flag maneuver.

Am I arguing that?

I'm almost certain that I was saying that conservatives are not the only group who uses fear-tactics and bigotry to push their view.

In fact, the liberals are almost always throwing some minority under a bus, coddling them, shitting on others, and trampling on them to push their view. Are they not?

I don't think that I even need to start mentioning the groups that are known for being exclusionary towards transgenders who are NOT conservatives, but are in fact.. liberals!
Do I need to get into this debate? I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about.

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Does it really matter whether or not one side or the other does this? The point is that what has happened is a travesty, not that a travesty was perpetrated by given group.


Clarification: This is not specifically directed to Gamedog, but everybody.

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The threat of being beat up if you don't pass







Get lost, XoPachi. You whine and cower whenever someone doesn't agree with your dumb, libtard views. You freak out whenever someone disagrees with you. You are ridiculous.

...What views? :l 

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I overheard a convo at the college cafeteria (okay, I was straight eavesdropping) and one guy was telling the group that he walked into women's restrooms claiming to be trans so he could simply be a perf and a weirdo. Trans-claiming is a double-edged sword. I'm sure (well hope) that men and women going into opposite restrooms is not common but I'm sure it happens more than we realize. There isn't a real solution to it. Unisex restrooms have the same problem.

People just need to find ways to protect themselves and avoid trouble when they can. If they are getting crap (lol) for going to a bathroom that they don't look the part, then just use the other one, not like one is batter than the other. Unlike black/white only bathrooms where the white only was cleaned and the colored bathrooms where never cleaned.

This is something I waswary of


But thing is, I think it was LESS likely for that to have happened before the conflict where 'trans people' are perverts that use the bathroom to rape women, rather than the otherway around, opposers vocalizing the issue and the ACTUAL perverts and sleazebags start using womens restrooms and using the tranny card to get out any trouble,making things difficult for valid trans people.

Im pretty positive molestation and rape has been done before in bathrooms by same-sex people,much less transgender, its also been done of opposite sex going in the other bathroom, (even at least one video evidence of a female harassing a male). It can happen to anyone. A lot of cases go largely unreported, and people make assumptions that one sex is more perverted and violent than the other.

Rape is bad whoever you are. Period.

Edited by WolfNightV4X1
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*Puts hand up dismissingly*Friend, there is no need to be upset. Please calm down. :^)

(Whenever I come in with a view that goes against the liberal nonsense that is so common nowadays, you leap in to attempt to silence me)

I share most of your views. :l

You derail every thread with this us vs them Reddit drama. It's irrelevant to this topic and you get threads locked with this nonsense. For like no reason. 

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The freak out of these things are always almost funny to see.  'Well if we let those trans women WHO ARE RAPIST MEN FOR SURE into the bathroom they'll RAPE PEOPLE IN THERE!'.  ...Ya know, as if rape or filming unsuspecting people in the toilet with your iPhone is not a crime in the first place.  I mean, if like, a heterosexual dude, who is not gay at all, but he operates a business, a website of dudes peeing, he doesn't know if his customers are gay, not his business, maybe they are comparing for medical reasons, but he's a straight dude filming dudes pee so it's perfectly okay, right?

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The freak out of these things are always almost funny to see.  'Well if we let those trans women WHO ARE RAPIST MEN FOR SURE into the bathroom they'll RAPE PEOPLE IN THERE!'.  ...Ya know, as if rape or filming unsuspecting people in the toilet with your iPhone is not a crime in the first place.  I mean, if like, a heterosexual dude, who is not gay at all, but he operates a business, a website of dudes peeing, he doesn't know if his customers are gay, not his business, maybe they are comparing for medical reasons, but he's a straight dude filming dudes pee so it's perfectly okay, right?

Are you really this stupid

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