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Habits and ticks


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I've always been a chronic chewer and biter of things. Nails, erasers off pencils, and corners from sheets of paper especially. When I was little I also used to chew on the collar of my shirt, but my dad made fun of me enough for it that I grew out of that one.

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I finally got off of fingernails. Switched over to cuticles. :I

I pick like CRAZY. Arms, back, legs, face... Other people... Lmao

Zits are my faaaaavorite. Skin issues are delicious I don't even understand. It's so damn satisfying. My boyfriend doesn't let me pop all his zits and I get mad at him sometimes for it lol

I love working at a veterinary clinic and a dog or cat will come in with a cyst or other infected skin area that I get to clean up. Oh man.

Uhhmmmm... I have weird issues with things lining up right or being organized in the right fashion. Like, it will bug me to the point of going out of my way to fix it, no matter what I have to do :U

Stepping on a crack with one foot, I have to step on it with the other foot to feel 'balanced'.

Idk what else.

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3 minutes ago, Naesaki said:


Blisters are the worst thing for me, I can't resist popping them.

i used to, then one got really infected and i had to go to the doctor lol

i learned my lesson... at least for blisters. 

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1 minute ago, Gator said:

i used to, then one got really infected and i had to go to the doctor lol

i learned my lesson... at least for blisters. 

I always make sure to properly clean it and dress the wound afterwards though to try and avoid that.

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I chew the skin off my lips. They get really sore and bleed a lot and scab, and this is a terrible look, so I'm really trying to stop. I bought a proper chapstick instead of the crappy lipgloss I had, and they're keeping moisturised enough that they don't flake enough for me to chew off. So things are looking up for the aesthetic part. Unfortunately, the habit hasn't changed, I still chew off what I can.

I also pick at the crust on my piercings. I can't stop it. This in turn makes them make more crust. I miss them being crusty when they've healed though.

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3 minutes ago, Alexxx-Returns said:

I chew the skin off my lips. They get really sore and bleed a lot and scab, and this is a terrible look, so I'm really trying to stop. I bought a proper chapstick instead of the crappy lipgloss I had, and they're keeping moisturised enough that they don't flake enough for me to chew off. So things are looking up for the aesthetic part. Unfortunately, the habit hasn't changed, I still chew off what I can.

I also pick at the crust on my piercings. I can't stop it. This in turn makes them make more crust. I miss them being crusty when they've healed though.

I rip off the skin on my lips too :T pretty bad habit...and I suck my lip if it bleeds. Im a monster.

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I twiddle my fingers often when I'm idle.

I also tend to tap things. Tap my pencils, fingers, and book covers. I also tend to bite down, with my mouth closed, hard enough to make an audible sound with my teeth.

I have a bad habit of chewing on the inside of my cheeks when bored.

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I pick at my skin and bite my nails alllll theeee tiiiiime. I also have quite a few tics that would easily land me a tourettes diagnosis had I been bothered to get it checked out. I already know what I have I don't need to be on the NHS mental health waiting list to tell me that. Tics incluuuude raising my eyebrows and bulging my eyes, moving my shoulders about, short highpitched squeak noises which is the worst and most aggrivating tic. I'll be trying to sleep and I sound like a puppy having a nightmare, YEE YEE YEE-HMMM YEEE. It always gets worse if I'm in a good mood as well.

I get weird tics where I have to keep touching random things like swatting at the top of my keyboard.

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  • Chewing on my lips a bit.
  • Nibbling on the inside of my cheeks.
  • Rubbing the space between my thumb and forefinger with my forefinger.
    • At one point it was bad enough that I had a perpetual callus.
    • Thankfully, his has gotten a lot less frequent over time.
  • Pick at scabs on my face/hair.
  • My voice raises in pitch as I get irritated, apparently.
    • Just recently learned about this one.
  • Composing bullet point lists.
    • Especially with indentations
  • EDIT: Editing and re-editing posts a bunch.
Edited by DrGravitas
Spelling, sentance structure, additional item; additional edits
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Pretty much the only thing I don't do that has been said is punch air and chew on my nails... I only chew my nails when purposely trying to trim them. I don't tend to mess with scabs out of nerves either, I only pick at them when I feel like the wound is healed well and I can get away with it. I also rarely bit the inside of my cheeks, but I do bite the inside of my lower lip quite often and the outsides.

When I was a kid I was different and used to suck my fingers. Not my thumb like normals, my index and middle finger at the same time. Left hand only. This ended up leaving a skin abnormality (not sure what you might call it) on my left middle finger and I near constantly pick at that when my hands are free, regardless of nervous or not. For some reason it just feels nice to put pressure on that spot. When I'm really nervous I have actually broken skin there and sometimes chew it to try to make it even out, but most of the time I just poke it and not much else.

There's also a weird sorta sharp gap between my two center front chompers and sometimes food gets stuck there, so I'm constantly checking that spot with my tongue to see, even if I haven't eaten recently. I've been good about flossing that area in particular lately, but it still doesn't stop me from running my tongue along it every minute or so for a few seconds at a time. If I do manage to get something stuck there and am somewhere where there's no access to floss or am too lazy to get up and get some, I will sit there and pick at it relentlessly until I feel the piece of food come out.

My most common habit is easily tapping things. Any time I'm idling (most commonly while waiting for a page or game to load) and when any hand, especially left, is touching something it just goes into tap mode without me even thinking about it, but then once I do I will sometimes get so into the beat that I started that I will delay continuing what I was doing until I get tired of tapping. I'll even bring in the other hand often if it's not already involved.

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23 minutes ago, Kinare said:


When I was a kid I was different and used to suck my fingers. Not my thumb like normals, my index and middle finger at the same time. Left hand only. This ended up leaving a skin abnormality (not sure what you might call it) on my left middle finger and I near constantly pick at that when my hands are free, regardless of nervous or not. For some reason it just feels nice to put pressure on that spot. When I'm really nervous I have actually broken skin there and sometimes chew it to try to make it even out, but most of the time I just poke it and not much else.

I can relate, I have what some would can an oral fixation (fnarr fnarrr). Sucking my thumb or fingers, chewing on things, etc. I often absent-mindedly go around with my thumb in my mouth like a toddler lol. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 8.12.2015 at 0:13 AM, Alexxx-Returns said:

I chew the skin off my lips. They get really sore and bleed a lot and scab, and this is a terrible look, so I'm really trying to stop. I bought a proper chapstick instead of the crappy lipgloss I had, and they're keeping moisturised enough that they don't flake enough for me to chew off. So things are looking up for the aesthetic part. Unfortunately, the habit hasn't changed, I still chew off what I can.

I also pick at the crust on my piercings. I can't stop it. This in turn makes them make more crust. I miss them being crusty when they've healed though.

Same, i chew the skin of my lips and swallow  it and when i eat something salty my lips hurt.

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I bite my nails and occasionally chew on my lips and the insides of my cheeks. Other than that, I'm pretty sure I have some sort of tic disorder. I have tics where I raise my eyebrows, blink my eyes hard, make this really odd face where I sort of raise my cheeks, and breathe out and make some sort of hiccuping sound.

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Oh, where to begin?! 

I am a very touch sensitive so let's get that out the way first. Nasty habits I do:

* Scratch anything that gets itchy. I am feeling itchy most of the time. 

* Pick on my nose

* Use cotton swabs to clean my ears way too much than I should

* Rub my eyes

* Clip or "rearrange" my eyebrows

* Bite my lips 

* Squeeze teeth to each other

* Humming along a good and a memorable song

* Stretching my limbs all the time

* Plucking the facial hair when I have one

* Standing on one leg only

* Farting (fortunately they don't smell... Often) 

* Having sometimes restless legs

Overall, I feel it's very difficult for me to be truly comfortable and that there are always tiny little things to fix but fixing those things is what makes me satisfied. Its really hard to describe that feeling but I am sure some of you have experienced it too


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On 12/8/2015 at 7:24 AM, DrGravitas said:
  • Composing bullet point lists.
    • Especially with indentations

I love bullet points, they make reading information so much easier.

I have a habit of playing with my hair, one of the reasons why I liked keeping it short.

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My worst habit is my tendency to chew on my tongue and inside of my mouth, especially when I'm nervous. I do it so much that I often don't realize I'm doing it until I taste blood or hit a sensitive spot. I've been trying to break it, and I've had moderate success. Chewy/gummy candies do help my nerves and help spare my tongue, so I try to have a pack or two every week to chew on when tensions are high. 

One of my less destructive tics is staring at people's feet whenever they walk and I'm walking behind them. I don't know what put it in my mind, but I always want to know if people walk with their feet pointing inwards, outwards, or straight. If it's a friend, I comment on their walking pattern if my will breaks. And it just bothers the fuck out of me when people walk with their feet outwards, for no particular reason.

I also tap my feet and heels alternatively whenever I'm standing at a crosswalk.

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I tend to start tapping or bobbing something to a beat when a song comes on without being conscious of it. Could be my fingers, my feet or my knee.

I bob my head from side to side when I'm just sitting idly. Not a nervous thing, just a habitual tick.

Clicking my teeth along to the beat of a song if I'm listening to music is something I do a lot too.

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