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What's your job?


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i'm jealous, i was going to train to become a pilot but i couldn't afford the £70,000 i needed for flight school and i still can't

my best way into doing that is by joining the royal air force and training that way, but i don't fancy doing military service so i'm kinda stuck until i have the money to get myself a PPL or something

flight simulators will do for now :(

Yeah, it's rediculous what it costs these days to learn. I'm glad I did it when I did back in the mid 90's. You can still get a PPL for less than $10,000 in the states if you don't go to one of the big schools, just find a local instructor with a plane... That's how I did it. 

I grew up in a military family (USAF) and wanted to stay civilian as well so I get it. I've been happy flying "little" planes all over Alaska for the last fourteen years. 

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Yeah, it's rediculous what it costs these days to learn. I'm glad I did it when I did back in the mid 90's. You can still get a PPL for less than $10,000 in the states if you don't go to one of the big schools, just find a local instructor with a plane... That's how I did it. 

I grew up in a military family (USAF) and wanted to stay civilian as well so I get it. I've been happy flying "little" planes all over Alaska for the last fourteen years. 

Yeah, it'll take me a few years to save up the money to start learning but it'll be worth it I think. It's always been a dream to fly a real plane myself, regardless of it being GA or a commercial jet. Maybe if my current career choice doesn't work out I'll consider just biting the bullet and go and sign up for the RAF, we'll see.

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I work 16 hour days surrounded by people having a good time getting shitfaced :V

That's basically me. Although I dont work 16 hours, I normally work from 11 up to 15 hours, thankfully weekends only. And it's kinda the same with customers, all of them having a good time, being drunk, high, or just buzzed on endorphines and me obliged to pretend that I'm having fun as well.

So a pro tip. If you see any employee working at anything connected with entertainment and having fun... Don't believe that they're actually having it. "Having fun" continiously for 12 hours, or at least pretending of doing so and being polite all the time, especially to dumb drunk fuckers, is one of the hardest and most exhausting things to do.

Edited by Ayattar
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I have been working in the same most awesome job for 21+years. I work in communications electronics. Depending on who you ask i am an electronics eng/tech.

I maintain the electronics of cellular towers over a 33,000 square mile area of Northwestern Minnesota. My office has four wheel drive and lots of windows and the company supplies me with a quad runner with tracks on it. The pay is great and the hours are awesome. the only time it gets bad is if there is a disaster then i have been known to work 24/7 for as much as 11 straight days. I have received awards for making sure that communications was not an issue for the EOC and FEMA several times. 

I am old and eligable to retire, but as yet can not afford it. But i am planning on throwing in the towel in 6 years. 

I also have some 8 novels out there and hundreds of artworks. 





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I am a patent examiner for the USPTO. When someone applies for a patent, I more or less have to decide whether or not a patent should be granted. The decision is mostly based on the differences between the applicant's claimed invention and what is "known in the art" (I.e., similar inventions which others have patented or sought to patent within a certain time period, what has been published in academic journals, what has been for sale to the public, etc).

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I wish I could say I had some cool awesome job where I was doing what I love, but I can't say that sadly.

Right now I'm working in a small chain gas station, that while it's probably the best place I've ever worked, and is also the current record holder for longest job I've ever had, it can be very frustrating.

My job is not hard. I'm one of the three people who can run the register or the deli by themselves and know what they are doing. That being said, I'm being paid probably the least right now. This particular store has only been open 1 year and 3 months. In that time I have seen many people come and go. I come in every time the managers call, I almost next to never call out unless it's an emergency, and because of this the GM is more than willing to bend the schedule to my needs when he can afford to. It's still a little frustrating when other people call out on a weekly basis. I think I have only seen maybe one or two weeks go by without a single person calling out. And for some of the dumbest reasons.

However, I stay because of my customers. I have never worked anywhere where the customers take as much care of you as you do of them. They bring us meals for all the holidays, or even just when they have a few left over goodies from baking. If they find out we're a few dollars short for something to eat they have given us money. We even do a big Christmas event where all the money is divided up to a select amount of families and we get to actually take those local families Christmas shopping.

I feel like I have proven my worth time and time again with no results. We currently have all the manager positions filled, with no lead positions occupied. I kind of want to move up, but at the same time I don't want to be working in retail/gas my entire life. I eventually want to become a full time freelance commission artist, or even learn how to model and game design on my own to go work for a gaming company.

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I no longer have a job. But I guess I'm officially a student at university now.

What I do: Go to lectures and tutorials and make notes, and cram for tests. Complete group work and essays. Learn the practical side of the work and get to a good enough standard to pass the exams.

What this will lead to: I'll be able to start working/training as a doctor, and I hope to ultimately be a surgeon at the end of it.

It's a long road but I'm enjoying it so far.

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I work in a deli at a (kinda) large grocery store chain. It's tedious work and my job treats the position like it's gold...wish it paid as well as they act like it does.

My job pays a bit more over minimum wage with hella health benefits, but you have to be there for 3 years before you can be full-time or you can collect on a lot of the benefits. It's like this endless spiraling loop of, "can't get out... can't get out...just a little longer..." Everyone is stupidly nice to an extent. They sort of brainwash you into thinking, "Yeah, I would really like to be a manager at a deli and do this for the rest of my life..." And then you remember, you're working at a damn grocery store and the customers are shit and treat you like garbage, and do you really want to work retail/grocery for the rest of your life?

Edited by marbledaydreams
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Well, I'm in the US Navy. I'm an engineering laboratory technician which means I'm in charge of chemistry and radiological controls and occasionally I also get to play mechanic.

The training program was arduous and the hours are terrible, but I like it well enough.

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I sut on my ass all day listening to a person drone on about a subject that a quarter of the time is useless and half the time soil crushingly boring. The other quarter is meh. Atleast I'm not working more than 6 hours excluding homework...

High school education \:3/.

OT: in a few months I'm going to work experience. On a scale from 1-10 how well will I need to be able to make coffee and deliver stuff quickly? :v

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Still a full-time student. I completed diesel tech school last June and I am now in a specialization program in diesel engines/electronic controls. Lots of job opportunities, especially in diesel trucks, and many alternative career paths as well, parts management, warranty claims, things like that. I may give it a try if the opportunity shows up. Maybe I'll like it!

Making a living with the webcomic I'm preparing is likely not going to happen. But who knows!

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Just a college student for now, I'm currently studying green business.

Unlike everyone in my class, I don't have a job during evening and weekends, which is apparently weird.

So yeah, the task is (still) up to me to find myself a job that has to do with travelling... how does an 18 year old get a job like that...?

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I am a number among the legions of software consultants in a 200-thousand strong corporation: the latest major arm of a globe-spanning mega corp group. Housing, food, insurance, manufacturing; they have tendrils digging into it all. They have multiple weapons divisions. The software I work with is significantly more benign, but is still responsible for the livelihood or supplemental livelihood of millions of people. The project is expanding.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I process shoes and shoe accessories

my domain is vast and plentiful




i hate it please save me

dude i had that job once

nearly killed myself when i realized that the amount of footwear present in the distribution center could shod EVERYONE IN FUCKING NIGERIA 

the job i have now is betterish

i pick up really heavy pieces of metal and hang them on a thingy, push buttanz, scream yell and cry, and it gets powdercoated. then i take the steaming hot pieces of metal back off of the thingy, and put them into an unending array of special boxes. i work really fast and my hands hurt all the time. it is also 100+ degrees at all times. last friday i put in 13 hours and i wanted to die

i miss being a burglar/drug dealer

jail wasnt that bad :v

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 it is also 100+ degrees at all times.

that is a deal breaker for me, I would kill myself after one day

no way that's better than shoes

also I may be thinking of someone else, but I thought I recalled you being in the army.

I always assumed that was what you did.


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