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Things that you hate! v2


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When your parents think they know how computers and especially wifi work, even though their knowledge on these is stuck in the 80s or prior, making them effectively computer illiterate.

This is why every time there is a computer related issue in the house I exclaim right away I am not fixing it because trying to fix it will cause a argument or lead to me being called nerdy.

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A small rant here, on Southern prejudice. Specifically, hatred towards the south those evil, bitter, stupid, racists, fragile-minded people, who really are such easy targets. And, honestly, what do you know about anything if you're from that hellhole.

No one thinks that location is a problem, (though poverty correlates well with prejudice, so impoverished locations can be blamed), mostly it's that those people live there. Those people are the problem, and that is prejudice no less malicious and no less dangerous as racism, but it has the distinction of being self righteous in a way conventional racism can't be.

And to be clear on the subject, prejudice is as common, and in some select cases more so, in the North East and North West, especially in those districts that are mostly homogeneous. Which seems to fit, as people are more likely to have strong feelings against a group when they have little or no contact with that group. Why don't these locations produce the same ire? As far as I can tell, it's because the prejudice is aimed at different people, and different people are doing it.

I can't stress this enough, if prejudice is wrong, it's always wrong.

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14 hours ago, Socketosis said:

How much of my life I wasted away.

This in a nutshell pretty much. I'm still young of course, but I'm not sure what I should do with my life. Working a part time job in retail is getting me nowhere near enough money to do anything let alone live on my own. But in the eyes of society, you're a complete screw up if you didn't spend thousands to go to college and get a degree. 

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On 1/28/2017 at 7:14 PM, Vae said:



Those were two separate statements. I was not implying that Skyrim is a Japanese game. I made one statement of something I hate, and then I made another right after it. This is why I did not put the two statements into one single statement, so as to imply that they are saying two separate things and are not to be confused as me saying that Skyrim is a Japanese game.

No seriously, this is Skyrim. Bethesda being an American game developer that makes the Elder Scrolls series is common knowledge. This would be like assuming someone doesn't know what Harry Potter is

46 minutes ago, Crazy Lee said:

I wondered if he meant he hates Skyrim AND Japanese developers who try to mimic western games. Separate things he hates.

No you got it right

I hate Skyrim and I hate Japanese games that mimic American games (think titles like Dark Souls). I did not intend to imply that Skyrim itself is a Japanese game. My frustration comes from the fact that Skyrim is an influential game resulting in a large quantity of Japanese developers looking to the West, seeing its popularity, and then trying to mimic it when I do not believe Skyrim itself is a game worth mimicking. 

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9 hours ago, Battlechili said:

Those were two separate statements. I was not implying that Skyrim is a Japanese game. I made one statement of something I hate, and then I made another right after it. This is why I did not put the two statements into one single statement, so as to imply that they are saying two separate things and are not to be confused as me saying that Skyrim is a Japanese game.

No seriously, this is Skyrim. Bethesda being an American game developer that makes the Elder Scrolls series is common knowledge. This would be like assuming someone doesn't know what Harry Potter is

Other than the spacing (And I space related statements that way all the time.), literally nothing indicated that these were two distinct thoughts.
No bullet points, no periods, no "also"s, etc.

This is why punctuation is important, kids.

Also, I tend not to overestimate the knowledge of people here or otherwise in terms of common sense. Shit's safer that way.

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22 minutes ago, FenrirDarkWolf said:

People who think they know how to care for animals when they really don't.

At all.

Like getting animals to take care of and selling them for profit :/

I mean youre not going to make much and youre going to end up hurting other animals in the process

Or people who use shock collars because conditioning is an effective behavior controller...youre just zapping them into submission with high powered pain voltage

People who buy animals from a pet store without a second thought to where they came from

People letting their children play with animals however they felt like without teaching children proper restraint, literally thinking that animals are a toy for human entertainment, not teaching said kid to treat animals well to gain a mutual respect (This one pisses me off so much, as a kid my mom would let me and my brother mishandle animals because she thought it was cute, the animals would grow up to hate me and my brother which was dissappointing...I had to learn to respect and treat them well on my own. She ended up doing this with my younger sister as well, it pissed me off when I tried to stop her from handling my dog like that, and I was stopped from trying by my mom, my relationship with my younger sister has been strained since because she didnt take me seriously because of my mom overriding me like that)

Getting pets and not properly caring for them  and doing research on what's good for them (Also guilty, I didnt know very well as a kid) 


I admit Im a terrible person and I wish people would grow up and take animal ownership more seriously, theyre other living creatures with pain and feelings.

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7 minutes ago, WolfNightV4X1 said:

Like getting animals to take care of and selling them for profit :/

I mean youre not going to make much and youre going to end up hurting other animals in the process

Or people who use shock collars because conditioning is an effective behavior controller...youre just zapping them into submission with high powered pain voltage

People who buy animals from a pet store without a second thought to where they came from

People letting their children play with animals however they felt like without teaching children proper restraint, literally thinking that animals are a toy for human entertainment, not teaching said kid to treat animals well to gain a mutual respect (This one pisses me off so much, as a kid my mom would let me and my brother mishandle animals because she thought it was cute, the animals would grow up to hate me and my brother which was dissappointing...I had to learn to respect and treat them well on my own. She ended up doing this with my younger sister as well, it pissed me off when I tried to stop her, and I was stopped from trying, my relationship with my younger sister has been strained since because she didnt take me seriously because of my mom overriding me like that)

Getting pets and not properly caring for them  and doing research on what's good for them (Also guilty, I didnt know very well as a kid) 


I admit Im a terrible person and I wish people would grow up and take animal ownership more seriously, theyre other living creatures with pain and feelings.

I mean at least you actually learned. 

I have no idea where I learned it, personally. Don't know if it was taught or I was always just afraid of being too rough with anything. I wonder how many kids are taught it by their parents and how many just figure it out on their own. I can sorta see the pet store one though. I'd imagine most people who want pets just think "What place sells pets? Pet store." without thinking how adopting might be kinder and even safer.

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...and on that note that's probably the biggest secret my mom doesnt know about, why Im so cold and distant to my younger sister, who is twelve years younger than me.

I used to play pretend toys and cuddle her and encourage her when she was a baby growing up. As she grew up though, I guess I was the bossy-older-sibling type, and my mom tried to stop a lot of that since she was the youngest and didnt want her to be picked on. However, some of my younger sister's behavior I really didnt like, like as a toddler she would pick up my old dog, about 8-10 at the time, in the most uncomfortable way when she didnt want to be picked up, I'd force her to stop and put her down, but my mom would shove my dog back in her arms insisting she should play with Maddie because its fun and animals are to be played with.  This made me absolutely furious, to the point I cried on my own, so angry and upset that she let my sister mishandle our dog like that and I couldnt get her to stop or have myself tell my mom to get her to stop, I had no say in it, because my mom wouldnt hear reason.

Since then, whenever I tried to make my sister do something she would never take me seriously because mom shot me down in the past. This would lead to fights, and I hated fights.

...so what do I do in confrontation? I stay out of it. It made me cold and distant to my sister since she left her toddler stages, and I had such a shitty relationship with her because of how my mom treated our dog.



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6 hours ago, Shill Sham said:

Trying to open any of threads that have large amounts of pictures or videos results in my tablet crashing. 

For videos they should probably make it so that the elements aren't created on page load. They should be loaded either upon request or by the post entering the viewport.

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These people who constantly call Trump Hitler and refer to other Republicans as Nazis.

The shit Hitler and the Nazis did was so fucking bad they had to invent a new word (genocide) to describe it. The fuck has Trump done, issue a travel ban?


Shut the fuck up with that shit and stop fucking cheapening the Holocaust.

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I can understand where such comments are coming from, to be honest. Sure, the Nazi regime did horrible things during the Holocaust, but if you look at the start of the war, the 'final solution' began as deportation and restriction of movement to people of a specific religion, which sounds awfully similar to Trump's policy on restricting travel from Muslim countries.

Of course the 'Slippery Slope' argument is itself a logical fallacy; we can't judge what will happen in the future based upon this one act. It's entirely understandable that people should draw that comparison though, and I'd say necessary to a degree because that's how we avoid another holocaust. The important part is to apply the proper criticism where it is warranted but not to take things too far.

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25 minutes ago, Faust said:

I can understand where such comments are coming from, to be honest. Sure, the Nazi regime did horrible things during the Holocaust, but if you look at the start of the war, the 'final solution' began as deportation and restriction of movement to people of a specific religion, which sounds awfully similar to Trump's policy on restricting travel from Muslim countries.

Of course the 'Slippery Slope' argument is itself a logical fallacy; we can't judge what will happen in the future based upon this one act. It's entirely understandable that people should draw that comparison though, and I'd say necessary to a degree because that's how we avoid another holocaust. The important part is to apply the proper criticism where it is warranted but not to take things too far.

Yeah, but the context is wildly different. Just because Trump wants to deport undocumented immigrants doesn't mean he'll ever start putting people in death camps. If Trump starts his version of the Sturmabteilung to terrorize Mexicans, then we should be very concerned, but the only ones beating people in the streets right now are antifa.

People feel too much and think too little.

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30 minutes ago, Hux said:

Just because Trump wants to deport undocumented immigrants doesn't mean he'll ever start putting people in death camps.

Naturally, I quite agree, that's what I mean by the 'Slippery Slope' fallacy.

As things stand I worry enough about Trump's presidency to not need any historic parallels for discouragement.

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2 hours ago, Victor-933 said:

These people who constantly call Trump Hitler and refer to other Republicans as Nazis.

The shit Hitler and the Nazis did was so fucking bad they had to invent a new word (genocide) to describe it. The fuck has Trump done, issue a travel ban?


Shut the fuck up with that shit and stop fucking cheapening the Holocaust.

Given that Trump's government announced to officials that they are considering removing Neo-Nazis and white nationalists from the counter-terrorism's priorities, (these groups are the second biggest killers, after Islamists)  I think that people who make the comparison have a better justification that you would care to admit.


51 minutes ago, Hux said:

Yeah, but the context is wildly different. Just because Trump wants to deport undocumented immigrants doesn't mean he'll ever start putting people in death camps. If Trump starts his version of the Sturmabteilung to terrorize Mexicans, then we should be very concerned, but the only ones beating people in the streets right now are antifa.

People feel too much and think too little.

Would you be worried if he said he wanted to relax government efforts to disrupt white nationalist terror groups?

I would also add that the number of 'alternative facts' in circulation is becoming very worrying; Trump's aide Kellyanne Conway actually made up a massacre in order to justify the new migration policies:


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40 minutes ago, Crow said:

... when your roommates leave vegetables in the kitchen sink and it clogs the drain.

Ugh, I hate that! Some folks on my office floor keep washing their Tupperware in the break room sink. Not only do often leave chunks of food just sitting in the sink, sometimes they just wadh chunks down the drain. There's no disposal unit, so it inevitably builds up and starts to smell. Once it got really badly clogged and people kept washing their stuff and the sink filled up with drink water with food bits floating in it! It was so bad, building admin had call a plumber.

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1 hour ago, Saxon said:


It would be hard for me to thoroughly reply to your post through text. I'll pay you to chat about this on Skype someday.

I'll give you about $3.50 for a conversation on the implicstions of Trump's presidency.

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Tupperware and plastic food storage containers in general, and the way so many things now come in plastic bottles. (And the way plastic absorbs odors) I also miss when most all sodas came in the 8-pack, glass bottle format, as a standard thing.

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2 hours ago, GarthTheWereWolf said:


SMBC cracks me up. Here's one of my favorites. It seems appropriate:



Also, here's some relevant historical info on US immigration policies:


It has always been difficult to get in. A temporary ban with such a small scope is relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Many of our ancestors came over on crowded boats. Their fellow passengers who were sick, or even looked a little weird, got sent back. People died on those trips, and many of those who survived lost their life-savings. We're a nation of immigrants, but we're also a nation of laws. If this recent policy is misguided, it wouldn't be the first time, but sometimes such actions legitimately help protect the citizens. Either way, flawed policy != Hitler.

What I hate about the current situation is the riots. Rioting is an inappropriate and unnecessarily destructive response. This is more of a "spirited debate" level problem than a "let's freak out and burn stuff" problem. The rioters aren't helping their cause.

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28 minutes ago, Xaende said:

Many of our ancestors came over on crowded boats. Their fellow passengers who were sick, or even looked a little weird, got sent back. People died on those trips, and many of those who survived lost their life-savings.

You should have seen what happened to the people who were already there! ;)

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Oh my fucking god I hate having misophonia. People think it's a silly joke or I'm just overreacting when I say I hate the sound of lip smacking. It pisses me off more than anything else and when I try not to kill whoever is making that noise I end up twitching like crazy and feel like I want to scream and cry. My parents will never stop making the noises and they wonder why I never attend family dinners. Not even with other people. I'm always alone. They simply don't understand. Other annoying fucking students at my school made the noise and I calmly told them "could you please stop making that noise?" They didn't stop and more did it just to annoy me. Moments later and it's time for a quiz and they made the fucking noises right in my ear and in the middle of the nearly dead silent class, I lashed out and yelled at them and everyone just stared at me in fear. I refused to go back for 2 days after that but when I came back the counselor made sure they stopped.

Ugh I hate this curse. People tell me just ignore it but if I could do that, I would have done it already. Does anyone else have this issue or any way around it?

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1 hour ago, Xaende said:

SMBC cracks me up. Here's one of my favorites. It seems appropriate:



Also, here's some relevant historical info on US immigration policies:


It has always been difficult to get in. A temporary ban with such a small scope is relatively insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Many of our ancestors came over on crowded boats. Their fellow passengers who were sick, or even looked a little weird, got sent back. People died on those trips, and many of those who survived lost their life-savings. We're a nation of immigrants, but we're also a nation of laws. If this recent policy is misguided, it wouldn't be the first time, but sometimes such actions legitimately help protect the citizens. Either way, flawed policy != Hitler.

What I hate about the current situation is the riots. Rioting is an inappropriate and unnecessarily destructive response. This is more of a "spirited debate" level problem than a "let's freak out and burn stuff" problem. The rioters aren't helping their cause.

I don't think that the moritorium on immigration justifies the comparisons to Hitler- I just thought they were misguided (and clumsily announced, because a bunch of dual british citizens got stuck in various parts of the world before the usa clarified that they are exempt), but I was honestly surprised that officials were briefed that counter-terrorism would be redefined to focus solely on islamic terrorism, when neo-nazi and white nationalist terrorism are also significant threats.

It leaves a bad taste in one's mouth, given that many of those white nationalist groups obviously feel emboldened by Trump's election- telling them you're going to turn a blind eye to them is probably not a good idea, so when people say 'Trump is definitely not like Hitler' and you see Trump hinting that he's not worried about what neo-Nazis do...well it's just awkward isn't it?

Between 9/11 and the San Bernadino and Orlando night club shooting there was a stretch of 14 years in which white nationalists had actually killed more* people than Islamic terrorists, so if counter terrorism only focuses on Islamists this will be to everybody's detriment. :\

* https://www.newamerica.org/in-depth/terrorism-in-america/what-threat-united-states-today/#americas-layered-defenses

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17 minutes ago, Saxon said:

I don't think that the moritorium on immigration justifies the comparisons to Hitler- I just thought they were misguided (and clumsily announced, because a bunch of dual british citizens got stuck in various parts of the world before the usa clarified that they are exempt), but I was honestly surprised that officials were briefed that counter-terrorism would be redefined to focus solely on islamic terrorism, when neo-nazi and white nationalist terrorism are also significant threats.

It leaves a bad taste in one's mouth, given that many of those white nationalist groups obviously feel emboldened by Trump's election- telling them you're going to turn a blind eye to them is probably not a good idea, so when people say 'Trump is definitely not like Hitler' and you see Trump hinting that he's not worried about what neo-Nazis do...well it's just awkward isn't it?

Between 9/11 and the San Bernadino and Orlando night club shooting there was a stretch of 14 years in which white nationalists had actually killed more* people than Islamic terrorists, so if counter terrorism only focuses on Islamists this will be to everybody's detriment. :\

* https://www.newamerica.org/in-depth/terrorism-in-america/what-threat-united-states-today/#americas-layered-defenses

So white nationalists have killed 50 people in over 15 years.

Definitely a major threat to national security and totally comparable to radical islam. It's not like radical Islamic states have openly called for attacks on the US and have already committed attrocities in Europe and the Middle East. Instead of using most of our resources to Islamic terrorism, let's focus on some hill billy who might stab a black guy or something. I almost forgot about all those billionaires who are also funding these spooky trailer park rebels and their many insurgent groups.

Context doesn't real.


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12 minutes ago, Hux said:

So white nationalists have killed 50 people in over 15 years.

Definitely a major threat to national security and totally comparable to radical islam. It's not like radical Islamic states have openly called for attacks on the US and have already committed attrocities in Europe and the Middle East. Instead of using most of our resources to Islamic terrorism, let's focus on some hill billy who might stab a black guy or something. I almost forgot about all those billionaires who are also funding these spooky trailer park rebels and their many insurgent groups.

Context doesn't real.


I can't tell if this is sarcastic, but I know some people will probably agree with it, so I'll reply as if it's serious. 

In the past 16 years Islamists have killed 94 people in terror attacks in the USA. This means that white nationalists, having killed 50, are the second biggest threat (although who is in the lead varies from year to year)

We're talking about people like dylan roof: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dylann_Roof
and unfortunately we have white nationalist terror attacks in Europe too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik

Counter terrorism should be prepared to foil attackers, no matter which ideology they subscribe to.

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