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If you could live in any video game universe, which would you pick?


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inb4 Pokemon


But yeah, probably Pokemon. I'm sure that's what many of you weirdos will pick too, but lets try to be a bit original in our replies, mmk? :L

Probably tied with my Pokemon pick, I think it might be interesting to see what it might be like to live through something like Ark. Elder Scrolls may also be really interesting if I could actually be the hero person, especially Skyrim cuz shouting at stuff and werewolfing at things seems pretty leet.

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Megaman Battle Network.



That world kinda appeals to me with all the neat technology and the NetNavi AIs. It would be cool to have a NetNavi. I guess I'd always have company. ;w;

A downside I can see is that practically anything and everything is connected to the internet, so even your toaster oven can get a virus. Don't ask me how that works :b

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I'd like to live in the Little Tail Bronx universe, or more specifically Solatorobo's universe, although it includes other games and works as well. Its such a well made world with so much lore, it feels extremely real. It's one big furry world for one, which is cool in and of itself, but besides all that some aspects of its universe are really interesting. Islands and cities floating in the sky, magic and mecha, simple odd jobs bringing in good cash....I love it.

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Megaman Battle Network.



That world kinda appeals to me with all the neat technology and the NetNavi AIs. It would be cool to have a NetNavi. I guess I'd always have company. ;w;

A downside I can see is that practically anything and everything is connected to the internet, so even your toaster oven can get a virus. Don't ask me how that works :b

I just remembered a screenshot I had from one episode, where the antagonist's plan was basically to screw with the city's plumbing system:


Maybe I should rethink my choice. :v

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  • 3 months later...

I gave a fair bit of thought to this question when I saw it earlier today, and this is what I've come up with:

The games, as far as being a normal person IRL transplanted into a normal person's role in them (and not necessarily an uber badass or the main character or hero), would be predicated towards my answer:

1) F.E.A.R. (at least the first game) I admired how Monolith put together a game that kept pretty much all of the uber weird business the Point Man and the F.E.A.R. team go through in the hunt for Paxton Fettel, and eventually coming up against Alma and her unpleasant critters, kept under wraps and cover-storied the heck out of, short of perhaps the nuclear reactor powering Alma's containment and the core ARMACHAM labs going kaboom, and doing it sucessfully up until the end. If I was a normal person living in that world, and I was the same sort of 'do not accept the surface truth!' person I am IRL, and I had any inkling at all that some serious business actually did go down (or somehow involved the area I lived in) it'd be like Fox Mulder without his FBI clearance; I'd want to know if not need to dig and the truth, and Know.

2) I don't know if this counts, because even though it's a game series I love, it's also based on an RPG that's been famous since i was very young, and certainly long before I started playing its descendants (as it were), but I would love to be a Regular Joe in the fantasy world of the Forgotten Realms in Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2. It'd be as risky, I suppose, as being a Farmer Redshirt or Cow Target in the book-and-paper game, but despite (or because of) the fact that it was focused on a specific chunk of Faerun and not the whole country or continent Ed Greenwood detailed, it was so rich I often stayed in town (the first 'camp' for your party) a lot longer just to do, well, normal biz. It was fun just being there! I could imagine myself as one of the villagers, seeing what they were seeing in my mind's eye, and there was in even that small played part a distinct suspension of disbelief. Very few games have I played that allowed me to see through the eyes of a 'Regular Joe' and be satisfied in more than the moment.


Edited by Twopaw Tarnished-Silver
Small spelling & grammar error.
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